A NSW Government website

Find a cemetery or crematorium

Our register will help you find cemeteries and crematoria across NSW and gives location, operational status and contact details.

For specific details about burial or ash interment, please contact the operator directly.

To update the register the Cemeteries and Crematoria Act 2013 requires operators to notify us of any change of information within 14 days. To update or add to the register, request a form from [email protected].

If you are viewing the register on a mobile, please scroll to the right to see all details.

Find a cemetery or crematorium

Showing all data for Cemetery's
CemeteryAddress TelephoneDetails
Abbotsford Anglican Church Columbarium 40 Bay Road Russell Lea 2046 02 9265 1656
Aberdare General / Gordon Williams Memorial Lawn Cemetery Greta Street Aberdare 2325 02 4993 4100
Aberdeen General Cemetery 121 Segenhoe Street Aberdeen 2336 02 6540 1100
Aberdeen Lawn Cemetery 121 Segenhoe Street Aberdeen 2336 02 6540 1100
Aberfoyle Cemetery Aberfoyle Road Aberfoyle 2365 1300 136 833
Adaminaby Cemetery Bushrangers Hill Road Adaminaby 2629 1300 345 345
Adelong Cemetery Adelong Cemetery Road Adelong 2729 1300 275 782
Adjungbilly Cemetery Fernhill Road Adjungbilly 2727 1300 459 689
Al Nur Islamic Cemetery 6 Richardson Road Narellan 2195 02 9750 6833
Albert Cemetery Albert Road Albert 2873 02 6895 1900
Albion Park Anglican Church Cemetery 253 Tongarra Road Albion Park 2527 02 9265 1656
Albion Park Cemetery 61 Croome Road Albion Park 2527 02 4221 6111
Albion Park Pioneer Cemetery Russell Street Albion Park 2527 02 4221 6111
Albion Park Presbyterian Church Columbarium 250 Tongarra Road Albion Park 2527 02 9690 9333
Albury General (Pioneer) Cemetery 907 Waugh Road North Albury 2640 02 6023 8111
Albury General (Waugh Road) Cemetery 908 Waugh Road North Albury 2640 02 6023 8111
Alectown Cemetery Newell Highway Alectown 2870 02 6861 2333
All Saints Anglican Cathedral Memorial Garden 7 Church Street Bathurst 2795 02 6331 1722
All Saints Anglican Cemetery Marulan Jerrara Road Marulan 2579 02 6245 7101
All Saint's Anglican Church - Calvary Memorial Garden 33 Regent Street New Lambton 2305 02 4952 2218
All Saints Anglican Church Cemetery (Collector) Bourke Street Collector 2581 02 6245 7101
All Saints' Anglican Church Cemetery (Sutton Forest) 7320 Illawarra Highway Sutton Forest 2577 02 9265 1656
All Saints' Anglican Church Memorial Garden 6 River Street Tumut 2720 02 6245 7101
All Saints' Canowindra Rose Garden Church Street Canowindra 2804 02 6331 1722
All Saints Cemetery 56 Fennell Street North Parramatta 2151 1300 617 058
All Saints' Church Memorial Garden 2 Ambrose Street Hunters Hill 2110 02 9265 1656
All Saints Columbarium (Dunedoo) 59 - 61 Cobborah Street Dunedoo 2844 02 6331 1722
All Saints' Columbarium (Singleton) 40 High Street Singleton 2330 02 6571 1414
All Saints Memorial Garden 22 - 24 Church Street Belmont 2280 02 4926 3733
All Saint's Oatley West Columbarium 60 Woronora Parade Oatley 2223 02 9265 1656
All Saints Parish Blackbutt South Columbarium 31 Vista Parade Kotara 2289 02 4957 0977
All Saints Petersham Columbarium 325 Stanmore Road Petersham 2049 02 9265 1656
Alphadale Cemetery 1223 Bruxner Highway Alphadale 2480 1300 878 387
Alstonville Cemetery Bruxner Highway Alstonville 2477 02 6686 1411
Amaroo Cemetery Amaroo Road Amaroo 2866 02 6392 3200
Angel Close Heritage Cemetery Angel Close Forster 2428 02 7955 7016
Angledool Cemetery Angledool Road Angledool 2834 02 6828 6100
Angledool Graves 1179 Angledool Road Angledool 2834 02 6828 6100
Anglican Church of St Luke the Evangelist 56 - 64 Bayly Street Gulgong 2852 02 6331 1722
Anglican Parish of Tumbarumba - St James' Anglican Church & Cemetery 2674 Jingellic Road Munderoo 2653
Anna Bay Cemetery 4124 Nelson Bay Road Anna Bay 2316 02 4988 0255
Arakoon Cemetery Lighthouse Road Arakoon 2431 02 6566 3200
Arakoon Historical Cemetery Arakoon Road Arakoon 2431 02 6566 3200
Araluen Catholic Cemetery 136 Catholic Cemetery Road Araluen 2622 1300 247 025
Araluen Church of England Cemetery 76 Church of England Cemetery Road Araluen 2622 1300 247 025
Ardlethan Cemetery Chards Lane Ardlethan 2665 02 6930 1800
Argalong Cemetery Argalong Post Office Road Argalong 2720 1300 275 782
Argents Hill Cemetery North Arm Road Argents Hill 2449 02 6568 2555
Argyle Cemetery Sandon Road Metz 2350 1300 136 833
Ariah Park Old Monumental, Ariah Park Lawn Cemetery & Columbarium Cemetery Road Ariah Park 2665 02 6890 1100
Arkell (Long Swamp) Cemetery Old Trunk Road Arkell 2795 02 6333 6111
Armatree Cemetery Armatree Road Armatree 2828 02 6817 8800
Armidale Cemetery 1 - 29 Memorial Avenue Armidale 2350 1300 136 833
Ashford Cemetery 76 Ashford Cemetery Road Ashford 2361 02 6728 8288
Aston Cemetery Delegate Road Lords Hill 2632 1300 345 345
Aston Station Cemetery Polia Road Pooncarie 2648 03 5027 5027
Attunga Cemetery Ridge Street Attunga 2340 02 6767 5555
Auckland Cemetery Maison Dieu Road Maison Dieu 2330 02 6578 7290
Avondale Cemetery 20 Central Road Cooranbong 2265 02 4944 3288
Baan Baa Cemetery Kamilaroi Highway Baan Baa 2390 02 6799 6866
Bagtown Cemetery Pedley Road Hanwood 2680 02 6962 8100
Baldry Cemetery Renshaw McGirr Way Baldry 2867 02 6392 3200
Balldale Kentucky Cemetery Howlong-Balldale Road Balldale 2646 02 6033 8999
Ballimore Cemetery 3R A'Courts Road Ballimore 2830 02 6801 4000
Balmoral Historic Cemetery Bolans Road Balmoral 2571 02 4868 0887
Balranald Aboriginal Cemetery Island Road Balranald 2715 03 5020 1932
Balranald Cemetery Moa Street Balranald 2715 03 5020 1300
Bandon Grove Cemetery Chichester Dam Road Bandon Grove 2420 02 4995 7777
Bangalow Cemetery Pioneers Crescent Bangalow 2479 02 6626 7000
Bannockburn Cemetery 2146 Yetman Road Oakwood 2360 02 6728 8288
Bar Island Cemetery 1 Bar Island Berowra Creek 2082 02 9847 6666
Baradine Cemetery Cemetery Road Baradine 2396 02 6849 2000
Barellan Cemetery Barellan Cemetery Road Barellan 2665 02 6959 5510
Bargo Cemetery 15 Great Southern Road Bargo 2574 02 4677 1100
Barham Cemetery Moulamein Road Barham 2732 1300 087 004
Barmedman Memorial Cemetery Goldfields Way Barmedman 2668 02 6972 2266
Barooga Cemetery Golf Course Road Barooga 3644 03 5888 5100
Barraba Cemetery Memorial Drive Barraba 2347 02 6767 5555
Barrington Pioneer Cemetery Barrington East Road Barrington 2422 02 7955 7016
Barringun General Cemetery Lanihuli Road Enngonia 2840 02 6830 8000
Bateau Bay Anglican Church Memorial Garden 2 Tyrrell Place Killarney Vale 2261 02 4926 3733
Batemans Bay Cemetery Princes Highway Batemans Bay 2536 02 4474 1000
Bathurst Cemetery & Crematorium 1 Mitchell Highway Bathurst 2795 02 6333 6111
Bathurst Cemetery & Crematorium 1 Mitchell Highway Bathurst 2795 02 6241 3177
Bathurst Uniting Church Memorial Garden 140A William Street Bathurst 2795 02 8267 4300
Batlow Cemetery Batlow Cemetery Road Batlow 2730 1300 275 782
Bear Hill Cemetery Grafton Road Kookabookra 2370 1300 136 833
Bedgerabong Cemetery Rodgers Street Bedgerabong 2871 02 6857 1137
Beechwood Cemetery Pappinbarra & Koree Island Road Beechwood 2446 02 6581 8111
Beecroft Presbyterian Church Memorial Gardens 6 Welham Street Beecroft 2119 02 9690 9333
Bega Cemetery Princes Highway Bega 2550 02 6499 2222
Belford Cemetery 267 Bell Road Lower Belford 2335 02 6571 1414
Belgrave Cemetery Allyn River Road Eccleston 2420 02 4995 7777
Bellata Cemetery 300 Berrigal Road Bellata 2397 02 6799 6866
Bellawongarah General Cemetery Kangaroo Valley Road Bellawongarah 2535 1300 293 111
Bellbrook Cemetery Armidale Road Bellbrook 2440 02 6566 3200
Bellingen General Cemetery Lyon Street Bellingen 2454 02 6655 7300
Belmont Cemetery 2A Green Street Belmont 2280 02 4921 0333
Bemboka Cemetery Snowy Mountains Highway Bemboka 2550 02 6499 2222
Ben Lomond Catholic Cemetery Inn Road Ben Lomond 2365 02 6771 8700
Ben Lomond Cemetery (Ben Lomond Road, Ben Lomond) Ben Lomond Road Ben Lomond 2365 1300 136 833
Ben Lomond Cemetery (Moredun Road, Ben Lomond) Moredun Road Ben Lomond 2365 1300 136 833
Bena Cemetery Bena Cemetery Road Burcher 2671 02 6895 1900
Bendemeer Cemetery Frederick Street Bendemeer 2355 02 6767 5555
Bendick Murrell Hoads Road Bendick Murrell 2803 1300 445586
Bent Street, Cemetery 1 Bent Street Batemans Bay 2536 02 6239 9800
Berawinna General Cemetery Bourke-Milparinka Road Hungerford 2840 02 6830 8000
Berkeley Pioneer Cemetery Investigator Drive Unanderra 2526 02 4227 7111
Bermagui Cemetery Bleakley Street Bermagui 2546 02 6499 2222
Berrigan Cemetery Momalong Street Berrigan 2712 03 5888 5100
Berrima General Cemetery 583 Berrima Road Berrima 2577 02 4868 0887
Berry General Cemetery Kangaroo Valley Road Berry 2539 1300 293 111
Bethel Lutheran Cemetery 595 Bethel Road Glenellen 2642 02 6026 1876
Bethlehem Lutheran Cemetery 85 Pioneer Drive Jindera 2642 02 8660 1200
Bethshan Cemetery Tingley Road Wyee 2259 02 4305 8820
Bethungra Cemetery Old Sydney Road Bethungra 2590 02 6924 8100
Bexhill Cemetery 3-3A-3B-3C-3D Grace Road Bexhill 2480 1300 878 387
Bibbenluke Cemetery Moore Springs Road Bibbenluke 2632 1300 345 345
Big Hill Uniting Cemetery 1001 Canyonleigh Road Big Hill 2579 02 8267 4300
Bigga Cemetery Marks Street Bigga 2583 02 4830 1000
Bigga Graves (Lachlan Street, Bigga) Lachlan Street Bigga 2583 02 4830 1000
Bigga Graves (Marks Street, Bigga) Marks Street Bigga 2583 02 4830 1000
Billimari Cemetery 1826 North Logan Road Billimari 2804 02 6340 2054
Bilpin Cemetery 59 Bilpin Springs Road Bilpin 2758 02 4560 4444
Bimbi Cemetery Mary Gilmore Way Bribbaree 2594 02 6343 1212
Binalong Cemetery 4 Cemetery Road Binalong 2582 02 6226 1477
Binda Cemetery Herbert Street Binda 2583 02 4830 1000
Bingara Cemetery Cemetery Road Bingara 2404 02 6724 2000
Binnaway Cemetery Leaders Road Binnaway 2395 02 6849 2000
Birubi Point Cemetery 31B Ocean Avenue ANNA BAY 2316 02 4988 0255
Bishops Bridge Cemetery 616 Wollombi Road Bishops Bridge 2326 02 4926 3733
Black Hill Uniting Church Cemetery 245 Black Hill Road Black Hill 2322 02 8267 4300
Black Mountain Cemetery 75 Elder Lane Black Mountain 2365 1300 136 833
Black Springs Cemetery Campbells River Road Black Springs 2787 02 6329 8100
Blackbutt Historic Cemetery Wilson Road Congarinni North 2447 02 6568 2555
Blackheath Cemetery 322 - 331 Great Western Highway Blackheath 2785 02 4780 5000
Blackmans Flat Cemetery Castlereagh Highway Blackmans Flat 2790 02 6334 6416
Blackville Catholic Cemetery 3424 Blackville Road Blackville 2343 02 6746 1755
Blackville Cemetery Bundella Road Blackville 2343 02 6746 1755
Blayney General Cemetery 1 Memorial Drive Blayney 2799 02 6368 2104
Bo Bo Creek Cemetery 28 Hillview Lane Burrell Creek 2429 02 7955 7016
Bobadah Cemetery Cobar Condo Road Bobadah 2877 02 6835 9000
Bodalla Catholic Cemetery 12 Laidley Avenue Bodalla 2545 02 6239 9800
Bodalla Cemetery 8 - 10 Laidley Avenue Bodalla 2545 02 4474 1000
Bodangora Cemetery 120 Mine Road Bodangora 2820 02 6801 4000
Bogan Gate Cemetery Condobolin Road Bogan Gate 2876 02 6861 2333
Boggabilla Cemetery Newell Highway Boggabilla 2409 02 6757 3222
Boggabri General Cemetery 69 Denman Street Boggabri 2382 02 6799 6866
Boggabri Lawn Cemetery 69 Denman Street Boggabri 2382 02 6799 6866
Bolivia Cemetery New England Highway Bolivia 2372 02 6890 1100
Boloco Cemetery 6286 The Snowy River Way Beloka 2628 1300 345 345
Bombala Cemetery Cemetery Road Bombala 2632 1300 345 345
Bomera Cemetery Black Stump Way Bomera 2357 02 6849 2000
Bonalbo Cemetery 14397 Clarence Way Bonalbo 2469 02 6632 1611
Bong Bong Presbyterian Cemetery & Columbarium 2 Church Road Moss Vale 2577 02 9690 9333
Bonshaw Cemetery 12 Spark Street Bonshaw 2361 02 6728 8288
Bookham Cemetery 81 Childowla Road Bookham 2582 02 6226 1477
Booligal Cemetery 689 Lachlan Valley Way Booligal 2711 02 6990 1100
Boomey Cemetery Euchareena Road Boomey 2866 02 6392 3200
Boomi Cemetery Plantation Road Boomi 2407 02 6757 3222
Boonoo Boonoo Cemetery 2242 Mount Lindesay Road Boonoo Boonoo 2372 02 6890 1100
Boorook Cemetery Via Boorook Road Boorook 2372 02 6890 1100
Booroorban Cemetery Booroorban 2710 03 5898 3000
Boorowa Lawn & Monumental Cemetery Cemetery Road Boorowa 2586 1300 445586
Borambola Graves Mundarlo Road Borambola 2650 02 6926 9100
Boree Creek Monumental Cemetery Cemetery Road Boree Creek 2652 02 6033 8999
Bourke General & Historic Cemetery Gorrell Avenue Bourke 2840 02 6830 8000
Bowling Alley Point Cemetery Nundle Road Bowling Alley Point 2340 02 6767 5555
Bowna Cemetery Plunkett Road Bowna 2644 02 6036 0100
Bowning Cemetery 31 Cemetery Road Bowning 2582 02 6226 1477
Bowral - Kangaloon Uniting Church 1740 Kangaloon Road Kangaloon 2576 0414 658 411
Bowral General Cemetery 109 Kangaloon Road Bowral 2576 02 4868 0887
Bowraville Cemetery Gumbayngiirr Road Bowraville 2449 02 6568 2555
Braidwood Lawn Cemetery Cowper Street Braidwood 2622 1300 247 025
Braidwood Old Cemetery Wallace Street Braidwood 2622 1300 247 025
Branxton Catholic Cemetery Station Street Branxton 2335 02 5507 4048
Branxton Cemetery 22 Lindsay Street East Branxton 2335 02 4993 4100
Branxton Uniting Church Columbarium 9 - 11 Drinan Street Branxton 2335 02 8267 4300
Brayton Cemetery 43 Bulls Pit Road Brayton 2580 02 6245 7101
Bredbo Cemetery 90 Yayouk Street Bredbo 2626 1300 345 345
Breelong Cemetery Breelong-Balldoran Road Breelong 2827 02 6817 8800
Breeza Cemetery Kamilaroi Highway Breeza 2381 02 6740 2100
Brewarrina Cemetery Charlton Road Brewarrina 2839 02 6830 5100
Brewon Cemetery 1714 Ginghet Road Carinda 2650 02 6828 6100
Bridgman Cemetery 177 Goorangoola Road Bridgman 2330 02 6571 1414
Bringelly Memorial Garden 30 Tyson Road Bringelly 2556 02 9773 0933
Brisbane Valley Catholic Cemetery Foley's Creek Road Oberon 2787 02 6329 8100
Broadwater Cemetery 67 Cook Street Broadwater 2472 02 6660 0300
Broke Catholic Cemetery 26 Wollombi Street Broke 2330 02 5507 4048
Broke Cemetery and Columbarium Butlers Road Broke 2330 02 6571 1414
Broken Hill Cemetery 72 Rakow Street Broken Hill 2880 08 8080 3300
Brooklyn Cemetery Brooklyn Road Brooklyn 2083 02 9847 6666
Broulee Memorial Gardens & Crematorium 195 Broulee Road Broulee 2537 02 9814 3402
Brungle Cemetery McGruer's Road Brungle 2722 1300 275 782
Brunkerville Uniting Church Cemetery 1407 Leggetts Drive Brunkerville 2323 02 8267 4300
Bucca Cemetery Bucca Road Bucca 2450 02 6648 4000
Bugaldie Cemetery Old Guinema Road Bugaldie 2357 02 6849 2000
Bulahdelah Cemetery Markwell Road Bulahdelah 2423 02 7955 7016
Bulga Cemetery 29 The Inlet Road Bulga 2330 02 6571 1414
Bullagreen Cemetery Bullagreen 2824 02 6847 6600
Bulli General Cemetery Carrington Street Bulli 2516 02 4227 7111
Bulyeroi Cemetery 4099 Nowley Road Bulyeroi 2387 02 6799 6866
Bumbaldry Cemetery Kangarooby Road Bumbaldry 2794 02 6343 1212
Bumberry Historic Cemetery Lake Endeavour Road Parkes 2870 02 6861 2333
Bundagen Burial Ground 401 McCabes Road Bundagen 2454 0403 704 795
Bundanoon General Cemetery Ferndale Road Bundanoon 2578 02 4868 0887
Bundanoon Uniting Church - Garden of Memories & Columbarium 2 - 4 Church Street Bundanoon 2578 02 8267 4300
Bundarra Cemetery Dawkins Street Bundarra 2359 02 6778 6300
Bundella Cemetery Elwin Street Bundella 2343 02 6746 1755
Bungarby Cemetery Gadens Road Bungarby 2630 1300 345 345
Bungendore Catholic Cemetery 42 - 46 Osborne Street Bungendore 2621 02 6239 9800
Bungendore Lawn Cemetery 42 - 46 Osborne Street Bungendore 2621 1300 247 025
Bungonia Anglican Cemetery Oallen Ford Road Bungonia 2580 02 6245 7101
Bungonia Catholic Cemetery Oallen Ford Road Bungonia 2580 02 6239 9800
Bungonia Uniting Church Bedford Street Bungonia 2580 02 8267 4300
Bungowannah Cemetery 1092 Bungowannah Road Bungowannah 2640 02 6036 0100
Bungwahl Cemetery (2214 The Lakes Way, Bungwahl) 2214 The Lakes Way Bungwahl 2423
Bungwahl Cemetery (The Lakes Way, Bungwahl) The Lakes Way Bungwahl 2453 02 7955 7016
Burcher Cemetery Burcher Road Burcher 2671 02 6895 1900
Burra Bee Dee 17435 Oxley Highway Coonabarabran 2357 02 6842 3137
Burradoo Wesleyan Cemetery Burradoo Road Burradoo 2576 02 4868 0887
Burraga Cemetery Burraga Road Burraga 2787 02 6329 8100
Burrawang General Cemetery 26 Church Street Burrawang 2577 02 4868 0887
Burren Junction Cemetery Kamilaroi Highway Burren Junction 2386 02 6828 6100
Burrumbuttock General Cemetery Howlong-Burrumbuttock Road Burrumbuttock 2642 02 6036 0100
Buttai Cemetery 644 John Renshaw Drive Buttai 2327 02 4926 3733
Byng Uniting Church Cemetery (Bookannon Lane, Byng) Bookannon Lane Byng 2798 02 8267 4300
Byng Uniting Church Cemetery (Byng Road, Byng) Byng Road Byng 2800 02 8267 4300
Byrock General Cemetery Coronga Peak Road Byrock 2831 02 6830 8000
Byron Bay Cemetery Cemetery Road Byron Bay 2481 02 6626 7000
Cal Lal Cemetery Cal Lal Road Rufus 2648 03 5027 5027
Camberwell Cemetery 20 Glennies Creek Road Camberwell 2330 02 6571 1414
Camden Catholic Cemetery Cawdor Road Camden 2570 02 4655 8797
Camden Country Uniting Church Cemetery 96 Moores Way Glenmore 2320 02 8267 4300
Camden General Cemetery 203 Cawdor Road Camden 2570 02 4654 7777
Campbells Hill Cemetery South Street Telarah 2320 02 4934 9700
Camperdown Cemetery 187 - 189 Church Street Newtown 2042 02 9265 1656
Canbelego Cemetery Canbelego Road Canbelego 2835 1300 886 235
Candelo Cemetery Candelo Bega Road Candelo 2550 02 6499 2222
Candelo Cemetery Slaters Lane Candelo 2550 02 6499 2222
Cangai Cemetery Hanging Rock Road Cangai 2460 02 6643 0200
Canobolas Gardens Crematorium 220 Lone Pine Avenue Orange 2800 02 6362 7413
Canowindra Cemetery Rodd Street Canowindra 2804 02 6392 3200
Capertee Cemetery Castlereagh Highway Capertee 2846 02 6354 9999
Captains Flat Cemetery Captains Flat Road Captains Flat 2623 1300 247 025
Caragabal Cemetery Mid Western Highway Caragabal 2810 02 6343 1212
Carcoar Cemetery 1722 Carcoar Road Carcoar 2791 02 6368 2104
Cargo Cemetery Davy's Plains Road Cargo 2800 02 6392 3200
Carinda Cemetery (Carinda Cemetery Road, Carinda) Carinda Cemetery Road Carinda 2831 02 6828 6100
Carinda Cemetery (Mannix Road, Carinda) Mannix Road Carinda 2831 02 6847 6600
Carrathool Cemetery Murrumbidgee River Road Carrathool 2711 02 6965 1900
Carrington Heritage Cemetery Church Street Carrington 2324 07 3368 4400
Carroll Cemetery Stephen Street Carroll 2340 02 6740 2100
Carroll Graves 32 Naomi Street Carroll 2340 02 6740 2100
Cartwright Mission District - Breadalbane Anglican Cemetery Mutmutbilly Road Breadalbane 2581 02 6245 7101
Carumbah Memorial Gardens 43 Stockton Street Nelson Bay 2315 02 4988 0255
Casino Lawn Cemetery 44 Reynolds Road Casino 2470 02 6660 0300
Casino West Street Cemetery 148 West Street Casino 2470 02 6660 0300
Castle Hill Cemetery 10 Gilbert Road Castle Hill 2154 02 9843 0555
Castlebrook Memorial Park 712 Windsor Road Rouse Hill 2155 02 9814 3402
Castlereagh Anglican Cemetery Church Street Cranebrook 2749 02 4732 8031
Cathcart Cemetery Cathcart Cemetery Road Cathcart 2632 1300 345 345
Cathcart Graves Scott Street Cathcart 2632 1300 345 345
Catherine Hill Bay Cemetery 8 Northwood Drive Catherine Hill Bay 2281 02 4921 0333
Catholic Parish of Forster-Tuncurry Columbarium and Memorial Garden 31 Lake Street Forster 2428 0475 242 695
Cawdor Uniting Church Cemetery 435 Cawdor Road Cawdor 2570 02 8267 4300
Cessnock - Bellbird Uniting Church Cnr Cumberland & Cooper Street Cessnock 2325 02 8267 4300
Cessnock Baptist Church Cemetery 7 Cooper Street Cessnock 2325 0407 450 428
Cessnock Cemetery Wine Country Drive Cessnock 2325 02 4993 4100
Chain O Ponds Memorial Park 316 Chain O Ponds Road Collombatti 2440 02 6562 3160
Chatsbury Anglican Cemetery Rhyanna Road Chatsbury 2580 02 6245 7101
Chatswood South Uniting Church Cemetery 518 Pacific Highway Lane Cove North 2066 02 9911 3637
Cherrybrook Uniting Church Cemetery 134 New Line Road Cherrybrook 2126 02 8267 4300
Chichester Anglican Cemetery 1076 Chichester Road Chichester 2420 02 8267 4300
Chinaman's Bend Cemetery Mitchell Highway Orange 2800 02 6329 8100
Chinderah General & Chinderah Islander Cemetery Chinderah Road Chinderah 2486 02 6670 2400
Chinese Burial Ground Clarkes Creek Road Windeyer 2850 02 6378 2850
Christ Church Anglican Church Cemetery 10 Hargraves Street Sofala 2795
Christ Church Bong Bong Cemetery 2 Church Road Moss Vale 2577 02 9265 1656
Christ Church Cathedral Cemetery 93 King Street Newcastle 2300 02 4974 2000
Christ Church Cathedral Columbarium & Memorial Garden 52A Church Street The Hill 2300 02 4929 2052
Christ Church Columbarium 3 - 7 Mann Street Gosford 2250 02 4926 3733
Christ Church Columbarium & Memorial Garden 12 Chapman Street Dungog 2420 02 4926 3733
Christ Church Kiama Cemetery 2 Terralong Street Kiama 2533 02 9265 1656
Christ Church Lavender Bay Columbarium 12 Walker Street Lavender Bay 2059 02 9265 1656
Christ Church Memorial Garden (Coonabarabran) 32 Cowper Street Coonabarabran 2357 02 6331 1722
Christ Church Memorial Garden (Goulburn) 130 Addison Street Goulburn 2580 02 6245 7101
Christ Church Memorial Garden (Queanbeyan) 39 Rutledge Street Queanbeyan 2620 02 6245 7101
Christ Church Mt Vincent 18 Mount Vincent Road Mount Vincent 2323 02 4926 3733
Christ The King Anglican Church Memorial Garden 211 Brigthon Avenue Toronto 2283 02 4959 8108
Christchurch - Cooma Cemetery 151 Maffra Road Cooma 2630 1300 345 345
Church of the Resurrection Cemetery 11 Wyalla Road Jamberoo 2533 02 9265 1656
Clarence Lawn Cemetery 745 Armidale Road Braunstone 2460 02 6643 0200
Clarence Town Cemetery Cemetery Road Clarence Town 2420 02 4995 7777
Clavering Park Memorial Gardens & Crematorium 428 Candelo-Wolumla Road Wolumla 2550 02 6492 4111
Clunes Cemetery Clunes Cemetery Road Clunes 2480 02 6626 7000
Coast Hospital Cemetery Cemetery Firetrail Little Bay 2036
Cobar Cemetery Sunset Drive Cobar 2835 02 6836 5888
Cobargo Cemetery Princes Highway Cobargo 2550 02 6499 2222
Cobbadah Cemetery Horton Road Cobbadah 2347 02 6724 2000
Cobborah Cemetery Tucklan Street Dunedoo 2844 02 6849 2000
Coffs Harbour Crematorium & Memorial Gardens 956A Coramba Road Karangi 2450 02 6651 5007
Coffs Harbour Historical Cemetery Coffs Street Coffs Harbour 2450 02 6648 4000
Coffs Harbour Lawn Cemetery 956 Coramba Road Karangi 2450 02 6648 4000
Coffs Harbour Presbyterian Church Columbarium 187 Harbour Drive Coffs Harbour 2450 02 9690 9333
Coleambally Lawn Cemetery Pine Drive Coleambally 2707 03 5886 1200
Colinroobie Cemetery Bunganbil Road Colinroobie 2700 02 6959 5510
Collarenebri Aboriginal Cemetery Gundabloui Road Collarenebri 2833 02 6756 2060
Collarenebri Cemetery Collarenebri Cemetery Road Collarenebri 2833 02 6828 6100
Collector Catholic Cemetery Bourke Street Collector 2581 02 6239 9800
Collector Uniting Church Cemetery 16 Bourke Street Collector 2581 02 8267 4300
Collerina Cemetery Twin Rivers Road Collerina 2839 02 6830 5100
Collett Cemetery Nangar Road Canowindra 2804 02 6392 3200
Collie Cemetery (Oxley Road, Collie) Off Oxley Road Collie 2827 02 6847 6600
Collie Cemetery (Trangie Road, Collie) Trangie Road Collie 2827 02 6847 6600
Colly Blue Cemetery 4741 Coonabarabran Road Spring Ridge 2343 02 6746 1755
Comara Cemetery Towal Creek Road Comara 2440 02 6566 3200
Comboyne Cemetery O'Sullivans Lane Comboyne 2446 02 6581 8111
Come By Chance Cemetery Colless Street Come By Chance 2832 02 6828 5251
Condobolin Cemetery Boona Road Condobolin 2877 02 6895 1900
Condobolin Sacred Park Cnr Molong & Station Streets Condobolin 2877 02 6895 1900
Conjola Cemetery Princes Highway Conjola 2539 1300 293 111
Cooba Cemetery Dollar Vale Road Nangus 2722 1300 459 689
Cookamidgera Cemetery Cookamidgera Road Cookamidgera 2870 02 6861 2333
Cookardinia Cemetery Mahers Road Cookardinia 2650 02 6036 0100
Coolabah Cemetery 112 Cooneybar Road Coolabah 2831 02 6835 9000
Coolac Cemetery Old Hume Highway Coolac 2727 1300 459 689
Coolah Cemetery Walker Street Coolah 2843 02 6849 2000
Coolamon Cemetery Thompsons Lane Coolamon 2701 02 6930 1800
Coolangatta Cemetery Bolong Road Coolangatta 2535 1300 293 111
Coolatai Cemetery Off Post Office Road Coolatai 2402 02 6724 2000
Coolongolook Cemetery Willina Road Coolongolook 2423 02 7955 7016
Cooma Cemetery 38 Mittagang Road Cooma 2630 1300 345 345
Coomealla Memorial Gardens 1478 Silver City Highway Coomealla 2717 03 5027 5027
Coonabarabran Native Grove Cemetery Dandry Road Coonabarabran 2357 02 6849 2000
Coonabarabran Old Cemetery River Road Coonabarabran 2357 02 6849 2000
Coonamble Cemetery 54 Back Cular Road Coonamble 2829 02 6927 1900
Coopernook Cemetery Pacific Highway Coopernook 2426 02 7955 7016
Coopers Flat Cemetery 94A Archer Street Chatswood 2067 02 9410 9022
Cooranbong Anglican Church Cemetery 1 Government Road Cooranbong 2265 02 4926 3733
Cootamundra Cemetery Olympic Highway Cootamundra 2590 1300 459 689
Copeland Pioneer Cemetery Scone Road Copeland 2422 02 7955 7016
Copmanhurst Cemetery 2616 Clarence Way Upper Copmanhurst 2460 02 6643 0200
Coraki Cemetery 215 Coraki Ellangown Road Coraki 2471 02 6660 0300
Coramba Cemetery East Bank Road Coramba 2450 02 6648 4000
Corindi Cemetery Kangaroo Trail Road Corindi 2456 02 6648 4000
Corowa Lawn & Monumental Cemetery 101 - 125 Cemetery Road Corowa 2646 02 6033 8999
Corowa Pioneer Cemetery 118 - 122 Federation Avenue Corowa 2646 02 6033 8999
Corrimal Catholic Cemetery 116 Princes Highway Corrimal 2518 02 4284 3000
Corrowong Cemetery Corrowong Road Corrowong 2633 1300 345 345
Corunna Cemetery 769 Old Highway Corunna 2546 02 8267 4300
Couridjah Cemetery Bargo River Road Couridjah 2571 02 4677 1100
Coutts Crossing Cemetery Armidale Road Coutts Crossing 2460 02 6643 0200
Cowra Cemetery Canowindra Road Cowra 2794 02 6340 2054
Craigie Cemetery Mila Road Craigie 2632 1300 345 345
Craig's Hill Columbarium 63 Middle Arm Road Goulburn 2580 02 4821 2122
Crescent Head Cemetery Belmore Street Crescent Head 2440 02 6566 3200
Crookwell Cemetery Pine Avenue Crookwell 2583 02 4830 1000
Cross Roads Cemetery Rosewood Road Wauchope 2446 02 6581 8111
Crudine Cemetery 1324 Crudine Road Crudine 2795 02 6378 2850
Cudal Cemetery Cudal Cemetery Road Cudal 2864 02 6392 3200
Cudgegong Cemetery 9164 A-F Castlereagh Highway Cudgegong 2850 02 6378 2850
Culcairn Cemetery Cemetery Road Culcairn 2660 02 6036 0100
Cullen Bullen Cemetery Castlereagh Highway Cullen Bullen 2790 02 6354 9999
Cumborah Cemetery Wilby Wilby Road Cumborah 2832 02 6828 6100
Cummeragunja Cemetery George Street Moama 2713 03 5869 3372
Cumnock Cemetery Cemetery Road Cumnock 2867 02 6392 3200
Curban Cemetery Hillside Road Curban 2827 02 6817 8800
Curlewis Cemetery Kamilaroi Highway Curlewis 2381 02 6740 2100
Curra Creek Cemetery 40 Cosier Lane Curra Creek 2820 02 6801 4000
Currabubula Cemetery 84 Suttons Road Currabubula 2342 02 6746 1755
Currawarna Cemetery Old Narrandera Road Currawarna 2650 02 6926 9100
Dalmorton Cemetery Old Glen Innes Road Dalmorton 2460 02 6643 0200
Dalmorton Gravesite Old Glen Innes Road Dalmorton 2460 02 6643 0200
Dalton Cemetery Dalton Road Dalton 2581 02 4830 1000
Dalton Uniting Church Cemetery 22 Chapel Street Dalton 2581 02 8267 4300
Dandaloo Anglican Cemetery 18 Tyrie Road Dandaloo 2823 02 8267 4300
Dandaloo Cemetery Trangie Dandaloo Road Dandaloo 2823 02 6889 9999
Darbalara Cemetery Kangaroo Vale Road Darbalara 2722 1300 459 689
Darbys Falls Anglican Cemetery Darbys Falls Road Darbys Falls 2793 02 6331 1722
Darbys Falls Catholic Cemetery Darbys Falls Road, Darbys Falls 2793 02 6334 6416
Dark Corner Cemetery Dark Corner Road Dark Corner 2795 02 6354 9999
Darlington Point Cemetery Carrington Street Darlington Point 2706 03 5886 1200
Dawson River Cemetery Dawson Cemetery Road Cundletown 2430 02 7955 7016
Daysdale Cemetery Federation Way Daysdale 2646 02 6033 8999
Deepwater Cemetery 1309 Nant Park Road Deepwater 2371 02 6730 2300
Deepwater Rail Cemetery Wise Street Deepwater 2371 02 6730 2300
Deer Vale Cemetery Beaumonts Road Deer Vale 2453 02 6655 7300
Delegate Cemetery Delegate Road Delegate 2633 1300 345 345
Delungra Cemetery 153 Delungra Cemetery Road Delungra 2403 02 6728 8288
Denham Court Anglican Church Cemetery 30 Church Road Denham Court 2565 02 9265 1656
Deniliquin Cemetery Wirraway Drive Deniliquin 2710 03 5898 3000
Denison Town Cemetery 48 Black Stump Way Leadville 2844 02 6849 2000
Denman Cemetery Rosemount Road Denman 2328 02 6549 3700
Deua Graves Mongamula Firetrail Deua 2537 02 4474 1000
Dick's Camp Cemetery Dick's Camp Road Collie 2827 02 6847 6600
Dinton Vale Cemetery Ashford Road Bukkulla 2360 02 6728 8288
Dorrigo General Cemetery 3895 Waterfall Way Dorrigo 2453 02 6655 7300
Doyles Creek Cemetery 227 Doyles Creek Road Doyles Creek 2330 02 6571 1414
Drake Cemetery Timbarra Street Drake 2469 02 6890 1100
Drake Graves 1 Fairfield Street Drake 2469 02 6890 1100
Dubbo City Crematorium 1 Moffatt Drive Dubbo 2830 02 6881 8988
Dundee Cemetery New England Highway Dundee 2370 02 6730 2300
Dunedoo Cemetery Avonside Road Dunedoo 2844 02 6849 2000
Dungog Cemetery Cemetery Road Tabbil Creek 2420 02 4995 7777
Dungog Uniting Church 240 - 246 Dowling Street Dungog 2420 02 8267 4300
Dungowan Cemetery Ogunbil Road Dungowan 2340 02 6767 5555
Dunoon Cemetery 1271 Dunoon Road Dunoon 2480 1300 878 387
Dyraaba Station Cemetery Dyraaba Road Dyraaba 2470 02 6632 1611
East Ballina Cemetery Suvla Street Ballina 2478 02 6686 1411
East Gresford Cemetery Park Street East Gresford 2311 02 8267 4300
East Kangaloon Anglican Cemetery 1973 Kangaloon Road East Kangaloon 2577 02 4868 0887
East Kangaloon General Cemetery Moresby Hill Road East Kangaloon 2576 02 4868 0887
East Kempsey Cemetery Naiooka, Bloomfield & Hill Streets Kempsey 2440 02 6566 3200
East Lismore Cemetery 1/9A/9B/9D Airforce Road Lismore 2480 1300 878 387
East Maitland Cemetery Raymond Terrace Road East Maitland 2323 02 4934 9700
East Maitland Presbyterian Church Columbarium 64 George Street East Maitland 2323 02 9690 9333
Eastern Suburbs Memorial Park (Botany Cemetery) 12 Military Road Matraville 2036 1300 389 888
Ebenezer Uniting Church Cemetery 95 Coromandel Road Ebenezer 2756 02 8267 4300
Ebor Cemetery 33 Ebor Falls Road Ebor 2453 1300 136 833
Eden Cemetery Aslings Beach Road Eden 2551 02 6499 2222
Edgehill Cemetery Grubben Road Munyabla 2658 02 6920 5305
Edgehill Lutheran Cemetery 143 Edgehill Church Lane Henty 2658 02 6929 3201
Elands Cemetery Doyles River Road Bulga 2330 02 7955 7016
Ellalong Cemetery Helena Street Ellalong 2335 02 4993 4100
Ellenborough Cemetery Oxley Highway Ellenborough 2446 02 6581 8111
Ellenborough Historic Graves 5739A Oxley Highway Ellenborough 2446 02 6581 8111
Elong Elong Cemetery 3587 Golden Highway Elong Elong 2831 02 6801 4000
Elsmore Cemetery 1113 Elsmore Road Elsmore 2360 02 6728 8288
Emmaville Cemetery 222 Cadell Street Emmaville 2371 02 6730 2300
Emu Flat Cemetery Cooma Road Krawarree 2622 1300 247 025
Emu Plains General Cemetery Short Street Emu Plains 2750 02 4732 8031
Enngonia General Cemetery Mitchell Highway Enngonia 2840 02 6830 8000
Euabalong Cemetery 3E Hercules Street Euabalong 2877 02 6836 5888
Euabalong Church Cemetery 24 Farnell Street Euabalong 2877 02 8267 4300
Euabalong Graves (Lachlan Valley Way, Euabalong) Lachlan Valley Way Euabalong 2877 02 6895 1900
Euabalong Graves (Nardoo Street, Euabalong) 6 Nardoo Street Euabalong 2877 02 6836 5888
Euchareena Cemetery 65 Maroombah Road Euchareena 2866 02 6801 4000
Eugowra Cemetery North Street Eugowra 2806 02 6392 3200
Eulah Creek Cemetery 384 Eulah Creek Road Eulah Creek 2390 02 6799 6866
Eumungerie Cemetery 267L Mogriguy Road Eumungerie 2831 02 6801 4000
Eungai Creek Cemetery Main Street Eungai Creek 2441 02 6568 2555
Eurobodalla Cemetery Unnamed road off Nerrigundah Mountain Road Bodalla 2545 02 4474 1000
Eurobodalla Heritage Cemetery Charles Harpur & Son's Graves Eurobodalla Road Bodalla 2545 02 4474 1000
Euroka Cemetery Euroka Road Euroka 2440 02 6566 3200
Euston Cemetery Cowper Street Euston 2737 03 5020 1300
Evans Head Cemetery 145 Woodburn Street Evans Head 2473 02 6660 0300
Failford Cemetery known as Possum Brush 9 - 13 St Peters Close Failford 2430 02 7955 7016
Faulconbridge Cemetery 25A Sir Henrys Parade Faulconbridge 2776 02 4780 5000
Fernmount Cemetery Hyde Street Fernmount 2454 02 6655 7300
Field of Mars Cemetery Quarry Road Ryde 2113 1300 389 888
Fifield Cemetery Mines Road Fifield 2875 02 6895 1900
Fingal Cemetery Letitia Road Fingal Head 2487 07 5536 1763
Finley Cemetery 97 - 117 Tongs Street Finley 2713 03 5888 5100
Forbes Cemetery Bogan Gate Road Forbes 2871 02 6850 2300
Forbes Pioneer Cemetery Sandhills Road Forbes 2871 02 6850 2300
Fords Bridge Cemetery Dowling Track Fords Bridge 2840 02 6830 8000
Forest Lawn Memorial Park 1500 - 1600 Camden Valley Way Leppington 2179 02 9814 3402
Forest Reefs Cemetery 20 & 44 Convent Lane Forest Reefs 2798 02 6368 2104
Forster Cemetery Strand Street Forster 2428 02 7955 7016
Frederickton Cemetery Great North Road Frederickton 2440 02 6566 3200
Frenchs Forest Bushland Cemetery Hakea Avenue Davidson 2085 1300 389 888
Frogmore Catholic Church Cemetery 955 Frogmore Road Frogmore 2586 02 6239 9800
Frogmore Cemetery Ballyhooley Road Frogmore 2586 1300 445586
Galong Cemetery Galong Road Galong 2585 1300 445586
Galston Uniting Church Cemetery 14 Derriwong Road Dural 2158 02 8267 4300
Ganmain Cemetery Grave Street Ganmain 2702 02 6930 1800
Garah Cemetery Talmoi Road Garah 2405 02 6757 3222
Garema Cemetery Ironbarks Road Garema 2817 02 6850 2300
Garra Cemetery Garra Cemetery Road Garra 2866 02 6392 3200
Gegedzerick Cemetery 222 Gegedzerick Road Berridale 2628 1300 345 345
General Cemetery on the Macdonald River 988 Settlers Road Central MacDonald 2775 02 4560 4444
Georges Plains Cemetery (Saint Johns Road, Georges Plains) Saint Johns Road Georges Plains 2795 02 6333 6111
Georges Plains Cemetery (Trunkey Road, Georges Plains) Trunkey Road Georges Plains 2795 02 6333 6111
Gerogery Lutheran Church Cemetery 822 Glenellen Road Gerogery 2642 02 6026 3409
Gerogery West Cemetery Lemke Road Gerogery 2642 02 6036 0100
Gerringong Anglican Church Columbarium 103 Fern Street Gerringong 2534 02 9265 1656
Gerringong Cemetery Belinda Street Gerringong 2534 02 4232 0515
Gerringong Memorial Garden 166 Fern Street Gerringong 2534 02 4232 2081
Geurie Cemetery 2043 Mitchell Highway Geurie 2818 02 6801 4000
Giants Creek Cemetery Golden Highway Denman 2328 02 6549 3700
Gilgandra Cemetery Castlereagh Highway Gilgandra 2827 02 6817 8800
Gilgunnia Cemetery 25677 Kidman Way Gilgunnia 2835 02 6836 5888
Gilwarra Cemetery 30 Gilwarra Lane Glenthorne 2430 02 8267 4300
Girilambone Cemetery Girilambone 2831 02 6835 9000
Girilambone General Cemetery Murrawombie Road Girilambone 2831 02 6835 9000
Gladesville Hospital Memorial Cemetery 20-62 Victoria Road Gladesville 2111 02 9859 5190
Glebe Cemetery George Street East Maitland 2323 02 4934 9700
Glen Alice Cemetery Glen Alice Road Glen Alice 2849 02 6354 9999
Glen Innes Cemetery 332 Grafton Street Glen Innes 2370 02 6730 2300
Glen Morrison Cemetery Glen Morrison Road Walcha 2354 02 6774 2500
Glencoe Cemetery 8165 New England Highway Glencoe 2365 02 6730 2300
Glendon Cemetery 91 Glendon Lane Glendon 2330 02 6571 1414
Glenduart Cemetery Maclean Place Moruya 2537 02 4474 1000
Glenmore Cemetery 189 Wills Hill Road Lovedale 2335 02 4993 4100
Glenmorus Memorial Gardens & Crematorium 54 Glenmorus Street North Albury 2640 02 6023 8111
Glenquarry Anglican Cemetery 311 Tourist Road Glenquarry 2577 02 4868 0887
Glenreagh Cemetery Cemetery Road Glenreagh 2450 02 6643 0200
Glenridding Uniting Church Cemetery Putty Road Glenridding 2330 02 6572 1652
Gloucester Cemetery Cemetery Road Gloucester 2422 02 7955 7016
Goangra Graves Maneroo, 2637 Come By Chance Road Walgett 2832 02 6828 6100
Gol Gol Cemetery Cnr Wood & Bligh Streets Gol Gol 2738 03 5027 5027
Gongolgon Cemetery Gongolgon Tarcoon Road Gongolgon 2839 02 6830 5100
Goobang Cemetery Kamandra Lane Parkes 2870 02 6861 2333
Goodooga Cemetery Bangate Road Goodooga 2838 02 6830 5100
Goolgowi Cemetery Mid Western Highway Goolgowi 2652 02 6965 1900
Gooloogong Cemetery Cemetery Road Gooloogong 2805 02 6340 2054
Goombargana Cemetery Balldale-Walbundrie Road Goombargana 2646 02 6036 0100
Goonumbla Cemetery Bogan Road Goonumbla 2870 02 6861 2333
Goorangoola Cemetery Goorangoola Road Goorangoola 2330 02 6571 1414
Gore Hill Memorial Cemetery 211 Pacific Highway St Leonards 2065 1300 389 888
Goulburn General Cemetery 100 Sydney Road Goulburn 2580 02 4823 4444
Goulburn Historic Jewish Cemetery 118 Long Street Goulburn 2580 0439 451 571
Gounyan Road (Davis Family) Cemetery 172 Gounyan Road Murrumbateman 2582 02 6245 7101
Grabben Gullen Church Cemetery Bertalba Road Grabben Gullen 2583 02 6239 9800
Grafton Cemetery Villiers Street Grafton 2460 02 6643 0200
Graham Family Cemetery Lyrebird Drive Nowra 2541 1300 293 111
Graman Cemetery 3846 Yetman Road Graman 2360 02 6728 8288
Gravesend East Cemetery Elcombe Road Gravesend 2401 02 6724 2000
Gravesend Mountain Cemetery Gwydir Highway Gravesend 2401 02 6724 2000
Green Cape Historical Cemetery Green Cape Lighthouse Road Green Cape 2551 02 6499 2222
Greendale Cemetery 946 - 984 Greendale Road Greendale 2745 0411 915 277
Greendale Uniting Church Lower Greendale Road Broadway 2581 02 8267 4300
Greenway Memorial Gardens Pty Ltd 460 Avoca Drive Green Point 2251 02 4369 2013
Grenfell Cemetery Henry Lawson Way Grenfell 2810 02 6343 1212
Grenfell Presbyterian Church Columbarim Weddin Street Grenfell 2810 02 9690 9333
Greta Cemetery Wyndham Street Greta 2334 02 4993 4100
Griffith Cemetery Cnr Blumer Avenue & Wakaden Street Griffith 2680 02 6962 8100
Grong Grong Cemetery Jerrybung Street Grong Grong 2652 02 6959 5510
Gulargambone Cemetery Mendooren Street Gulargambone 2828 02 6927 1900
Gulf Creek Cemetery Gulf Creek Road Gulf Creek 2347 02 6724 2000
Gulgong Cemetery 2730 Castlereagh Highway Gulgong 2852 02 6378 2850
Gum Flat Cemetery 965 Copeton Dam Road Gum Flat 2360 02 6728 8288
Gumbalie General Cemetery Bourke-Milparinka Road Gumbalie 2840 02 6830 8000
Gunbar Cemetery Gunbar Road Gunbar 2711 02 6965 1900
Gundagai Lawn Cemetery William Street Gundagai 2722 1300 459 689
Gundaroo Catholic Cemetery 10 Harp Street Gundaroo 2620 02 6239 9800
Gundaroo Cemetery Judith Street Gundaroo 2620 02 6226 1477
Gundurimba Graves Ballina Road South Gundurimba 2480 1300 878 387
Gundy Cemetery 146 Merrimuka Road Gundy 2337 02 6540 1100
Gundy Historic Cemetery 12A Church Street Gundy 2337 02 8267 4300
Gungal Cemetery Flaggs Road Gungal 2333 02 6540 1100
Gunnedah Historical Cemetery 19 Hunter Street Gunnedah 2380 02 6740 2100
Gunnedah Mercy Convent Cemetery 151 - 189 Bloomfield Street Gunnedah 2380 02 6771 8700
Gunning Catholic Cemetery Collector Road Gunning 2581 02 4830 1000
Gunning Cemetery Wombat Street Gunning 2581 02 4830 1000
Guyong Anglican Cemetery Knapp Street Guyong 2798 02 6331 1722
Guyong Cemetery Knapp Street Guyong 2798 02 6392 3200
Guyra Cemetery New England Highway Guyra 2365 1300 136 833
Gwabegar Cemetery 3999 Gwabegar Road Gwabegar 2356 02 6799 6866
Half Moon Farm Cemetery 265 Upper Half Moon Road Lower Portland 2756 02 4560 4444
Hallsville Uniting Church Cemetery 1266 Manilla Road Hallsville 2340 02 8267 4300
Hanging Rock Cemetery Happy Valley Road Hanging Rock 2340 02 6767 5555
Harden Lawn Cemetery Burley Griffen Way Harden 2587 1300 445586
Harden Murrumburrah Cemetery Burley Griffen Way Harden 2587 1300 445586
Hargraves Catholic Cemetery 22 Edwin Street Hargraves 2850 02 6334 6416
Hargraves Cemetery 3376 Hill End Road Hargraves 2850 02 6378 2850
Harley Hill Road Cemetery Beach Road Berry 2539 1300 293 111
Harrington Cemetery Crowdy Head Road Harrington 2427 02 7955 7016
Harrington Pioneer Cemetery High Street Harrington 2427 02 7955 7016
Hartley Cemetery Great Western Highway Little Hartley 2790 02 6354 9999
Havilah Memorial Church Cemetery 1910 Lue Road Havilah 2850 02 6331 1722
Hay Cemetery 124 Cemetery Road Hay 2711 02 6990 1100
Hazelgrove Catholic Cemetery Hazelgrove Road Hazelgrove 2787 02 6334 6416
Hebden Cemetery 692 Hebden Road Ravensworth 2330 02 6571 1414
Helensburgh General Cemetery Cemetery Road Helensburgh 2508 02 4227 7111
Henty Cemetery Grubben Road Henty 2658 02 6036 0100
Hermidale Cemetery 3769 Yarrandale Road Hermidale 2831 02 6835 9000
Herons Creek Cemetery Herons Creek Road Herons Creek 2443 02 6581 8111
Hiland Crescent Cemetery Hiland Crescent East Maitland 2323 02 4934 9700
Hill End Catholic Cemetery Hill End Tambaroora 2850 02 6333 6111
Hill End General Cemetery Steel Street Tambaroora 2850 02 6333 6111
Hillgrove Cemetery 55 Hillgrove Cemetery Road Hillgrove 2350 1300 136 833
Hillston Cemetery Kidman Way Hillston 2675 02 6965 1900
Hinton Anglican Cemetery 35 Elizabeth Street Hinton 2321 02 4933 6218
Hinton Cemetery 289 Hinton Road Hinton 2321 02 4988 0255
Historic Hartley Vale Cemetery Fields Road Hartley 2790 02 6355 2192
Historic Pambula Cemetery Princes Highway Greigs Flat 2549 02 6499 2222
Hobbys Yards Cemetery 30 Hobbys Yards Cemetery Road Hobbys Yards 2795 02 6368 2104
Hobbys Yards Uniting Church Cemetery 9 Church Lane Hobbys Yards 2799 02 8267 4300
Hogbin Drive Crematorium & Memorial Gardens Stadium Drive Coffs Harbour 2450 02 6652 2822
Holbrook Cemetery Bath Street Holbrook 2644 02 6036 0100
Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery (Lake Bathurst) 3436 Braidwood Road Lake Bathurst 2580 02 4829 5177
Holy Cross Catholic Church Cemetery 10 Humphreys Road Kincumber South 2251
Holy Family Cemetery 44 Renshaw McGirr Way Mount Arthur 2820 02 6801 4000
Holy Innocents Cemetery 130 Rossmore Avenue West Rossmore 2171 02 9265 1656
Holy Trinity Anglican Church Cemetery & Columbarium Cantwell Road Lochinvar 2321 02 4926 3733
Holy Trinity Anglican Church Cemetery (Wentworth Falls) 17 Armstrong Street Wentworth Falls 2782 02 9265 1656
Holy Trinity Anglican Church Columbarium (Bundanoon) 15 Church Street Bundanoon 2578 02 9265 1656
Holy Trinity Anglican Church Columbarium (Merriwa) 42 Mackenzie Street Merriwa 2329 0429 996 769
Holy Trinity Anglican Church Kameruka Cemetery Candelo - Bega Road Kameruka 2550 02 6245 7101
Holy Trinity Catholic Cemetery 4350 Wisemen's Ferry Road Spencer 2775 02 4325 1042
Holy Trinity Cemetery 81 Gilmour Street Kelso 2795 02 6331 1722
Holy Trinity Columbarium 17 - 19 Middle Street Grenfell 2810 02 6331 1722
Holy Trinity Dubbo 162 Brisbane Street Dubbo 2830 02 6331 1722
Holy Trinity Dulwich Hill Columbarium 7 - 11 Herbert Street Dulwich Hill 2203 02 9265 1656
Holy Trinity Manilla 14 Hill Street Manilla 2346 02 6772 4491
Holy Trinity Wall of Remembrance 251 - 253 Anson Street Orange 2800 02 6331 1722
Hopefield Cemetery 741 Hopefield Road Hopefield 2646 02 6033 8999
Horton Cemetery Bereen Road Upper Horton 2347 02 6724 2000
Hoskinstown Catholic Cemetery 1786 Hoskinstown Road Hoskinstown 2621 02 6239 9800
Hovells Creek Catholic Church Cemetery Frogmore Road Hovells Creek 2794 02 6239 9800
Howell Cemetery Howell Road Howell 2360 02 6728 8288
Howes Valley Cemetery Putty Road Howes Valley 2330 02 6578 7290
Howlong Cemetery Ashford Road Howlong 2643 02 6033 8999
Humula Cemetery Possum Plain Road Humula 2652 02 6926 9100
Ilford Cemetery 148 Cafes Road Ilford 2850 02 6378 2850
Illabo Cemetery Olympic Highway Illabo 2590 02 6924 8100
Illewong Cemetery 34892 Kidman Way Cobar 2835 02 6836 5888
Iluka Columbarium Elizabeth Street Iluka 2466 02 6643 0200
Indian Cemetery Moore Street Lavington 2641 02 6023 8111
Innes Gardens Memorial Park 21 Philip Charley Drive Port Macquarie 2444 02 9888 2203
Inverell Cemetery 245 Ashford Road Inverell 2360 02 6728 8288
Isabella Cemetery Isabella Road Isabella 2795 02 6329 8100
Ivanhoe Cemetery Cobar Road Ivanhoe 2878 08 8083 8900
Jamberoo Cemetery Drualla Road Jamberoo 2533 02 4232 0515
James Poole's Grave Reserve Trust Hawker Gate Road Milparinka 2880
Jerangle Cemetery (2901 Jerangle Road, Jerangle) 2901 Jerangle Road Jerangle 2630 1300 345 345
Jerangle Cemetery (Jerangle Cemetery Road, Jerangle) Jerangle Cemetery Road Jerangle 2630 1300 345 345
Jerilderie Cemetery Conargo Road Jerilderie 2716 03 5886 1200
Jerilderie Graves Pump Station Lane Jerilderie 2716 03 5886 1200
Jerrara Uniting Church Cemetery Jerrara Road Narrawa 2583 02 8267 4300
Jerrys Plains Cemetery 24 Piribil Street Jerrys Plains 2330 02 6578 7290
Jerrys Plains Old Catholic Cemetery Jerrys Plains Road Jerrys Plains 2330 02 5507 4048
Jerula Cemetery Darbys Falls Road Cowra 2794
Jilliby Cemetery 15 Jilliby Road Jilliby 2259 02 4350 5108
Jindabyne Cemetery Barry Way Jindabyne 2627 1300 345 345
Jindera General Cemetery 148 Drumwood Road Jindera 2642 02 6036 0100
Jingellic Cemetery Shannons Road Jingellic 2642 02 6036 0100
Johnston Family Cemetery 14A Taylor Avenue Barnsley 2278 02 4921 0333
Jugiong Anglican Cemetery Back Jugiong Road Jugiong 2726 1300 445586
Jugiong Catholic Cemetery Riverside Drive Jugiong 2726 1300 445586
Junee Monumental & Lawn Cemetery Gundagai Road Junee 2663 02 6924 8100
Junee Pioneer Cemetery Murrulebale Road Old Junee 2663 02 6924 8100
Jupp Cemetery East Gresford Park Street East Gresford 2311 02 4926 3733
Kadina Cemetery Kadina Road Alectown 2870 02 6861 2333
Kamarah Cemetery Humby Road Kamarah 2665 02 6972 2266
Kangaroo Valley Cemetery Moss Vale Road Kangaroo Valley 2577 1300 293 111
Kangiara Cemetery Yass Valley Way Kangiara 2582 02 6226 1477
Karuah Cemetery 2A Wattle Street Karuah 2324 02 4988 0255
Katoomba Cemetery 2 - 16 Cemetery Road Katoomba 2780 02 4780 5000
Kembla Grange Cemetery Wyllie Road Kembla Grange 2526 02 4227 7111
Kembla Grange General Cemetery Reddalls Road Kembla Grange 2526 02 4227 7111
Kembla Grange War Graves 47 Reddalls Road Kembla Grange 2526 02 4227 7111
Kemps Creek Memorial Park 230 - 260 Western Road Kemps Creek 2178 02 8713 5700
Kendall Cemetery (Kendall) Albert Street Kendall 2439 02 6581 8111
Kendall Cemetery (Kiama Heights) South Kiama Drive Kiama Heights 2533 02 4232 0515
Kenmore Cemetery 63 Middle Arm Road Goulburn 2580 02 4823 4444
Khancoban Cemetery Pendergast Street Khancoban 2642 1300 275 782
Kialla Cemetery Church Lane Pejar 2583 02 4830 1000
Kialla Uniting Church Cemetery Church Lane Pejar 2583 02 8267 4300
Kiama Cemetery Princes Highway Kiama 2533 02 4232 0515
Kiama Jamberoo Uniting Church Cemetery 15 Wyalla Road Jamberoo 2533 02 8267 4300
Kilcoy Cemetery 1568 Chandler Road Lyndhurst 2350 1300 136 833
Killabakh Cemetery 1215 Comboyne Road Killabakh 2429 02 7955 7016
Killara Cemetery Tilpa Tonga Road Tilpa 2840 08 8083 8900
Killoe Cemetery Ringwood Road Merriwa 2329 02 6540 1100
Kingstown Cemetery 87 Bendemeer Road Kingstown 2358 02 6778 6300
Kinki Cemetery Stuarts Point Road Stuarts Point 2441 02 6566 3200
Kookabookra Cemetery Kookabookra Road Kookabookra 2370 1300 136 833
Koorawatha Cemetery Cemetery Lane Koorawatha 2807 1300 445586
Koorawatha Graves Koorawatha 2807 1300 445586
Kootingal Moonbi Cemetery 32 - 40 Thomas Street Moonbi 2353 02 6767 5555
Krambach Cemetery 66 Cocumbark Lane Krambach 2429 02 7955 7016
Kurrajong Heights Uniting Church 1251 Bells Line of Road Kurrajong Heights 2758 02 8267 4300
Kurri Kurri General & Lawn Cemetery Hospital Road Weston 2326 02 4993 4100
Kyogle Lawn Cemetery 2 Runnymede Road Kyogle 2474 02 6632 1611
Lake Cargelligo Cemetery Pillinger Drive Lake Cargelligo 2672 02 6895 1900
Lake Macquarie Memorial Park 405 Cessnock Road Ryhope 2283 02 9814 3402
Lakes Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit Memorial Garden 274 Wallarah Road Kanwal 2259 02 4393 1333
Lakeside Memorial Park 50 Kanahooka Road Kanahooka 2530 02 9814 3402
Lambton Memorial Garden 18 Morehead Street Lambton 2299 02 4957 1073
Lansdowne Cemetery 23 Newbys Lane Lansdowne 2430 02 7955 7016
Largs Graves 550 Avondale Road Mossgiel 2878
Laurieton Cemetery Ocean Drive Laurieton 2443 02 6581 8111
Lawrence Cemetery High Street Lawrence 2460 02 6643 0200
Lawson General Cemetery 80 - 90 Wilson Street Lawson 2783 02 4780 5000
Leadville Cemetery Sir Ivan Dougherty Drive Leadville 2844 02 6849 2000
Leadville Old Cemetery Black Stump Way Leadville 2844 02 6849 2000
Leeton Cemetery Boronia Road Leeton 2705 02 6953 0911
Legume Cemetery Mount Lindesay Road Legume 2476 02 6890 1100
Leura Memorial Gardens Crematorium 1 - 17 Kitchener Road Leura 2780 02 4784 3111
Lewis Ponds Cemetery Dry Creek Road Lewis Ponds 2800 02 6392 3200
Liberal Catholic Church of St Francis & St Alban 21 St Johns Avenue Gordon 2072 0477 714 185
Lightfoot & Co Gunnedah 111 - 127 Wandobah Road Gunnedah 2380 02 6760 7311
Lightning Ridge Cemetery Lightning Ridge Cemetery Road Lightning Ridge 2834 02 6828 6100
Limerick Catholic Cemetery Peelwood Road Limerick 2586 02 6239 9800
Lincoln Grove Memorial Gardens & Crematorium 1040 Gunnedah Road Tamworth 2340 02 6760 7311
Ling-Shan Pagoda 180 Berkeley Road Berkeley 2506 02 4271 0600
Lionsville Gravesite Lionsville Road Lionsville 2460 02 6643 0200
Lisarow Anglican Cemetery 960 Pacific Highway Lisarow 2250 02 4926 3733
Lismore Memorial Gardens 651 Skyline Road Goonellabah 2480 1300 878 387
Lithgow Cemetery Great Western Highway Lithgow 2790 02 6354 9999
Little Billabong Historic Graves Hume Highway Little Billabong 2644 02 6036 0100
Little Plain New Cemetery 8371 Gwydir Highway Little Plain 2360 02 6728 8288
Little Plain Old Cemetery 8627 Gwydir Highway Little Plain 2360 02 6728 8288
Liverpool Cemetery 207 Moore Street Liverpool 2170 02 8713 5700
Liverpool South Anglican Church Columbarium 1 Chrysanthemum Avenue Lurnea 2170 02 9265 1656
Lockhart Cemetery 84 Cemetery Road Lockhart 2656 02 6920 5305
Lot 84 Cemetery Goodooga Road Goodooga 2838 02 6829 6345
Lot 85 Cemetery Goodooga Road Goodoonga 2838 02 6829 6345
Lot 86 Cemetery Bangate Road Goodoonga 2838 02 6829 6345
Louth Cemetery 1 Bloxham Street Louth 2840 02 6830 8000
Louth General Cemetery Wilcannia - Bourke Road Louth 2840 02 6830 8000
Lower Mittagong Marist Brothers Cemetery 65 Diamond Fields Road Mittagong 2575
Lower Portland Cemetery 896 West Portland Road Lower Portland 2756 02 4560 4444
Lowesdale Cemetery Riverina Highway Lowesdale 2646 02 6033 8999
Lowther Cemetery Jenolan Caves Road Lowther 2790 02 6354 9999
Lowther Park Cemetery Off Jenolan Caves Road Lowther 2790 02 6354 9999
Luddenham Uniting Church Cemetery 45 Willmington Road Luddenham 2745 02 8267 4300
Lue Cemetery 35 Bara-Lue Road Lue 2850 02 6378 2850
Lutheran Cemetery Alma Park Alma Park Cemetery Road Alma Park 2659 02 6029 0195
Lyndhurst Cemetery 40 Newry Downs Road Lyndhurst 2797 02 6368 2104
Lynwood Graves 331 Ellis Road Lynwood 2477 02 6686 1411
Mackillop Catholic Parish Columbarium 7 Milson Street Charlestonw 2290 02 4943 4153
Macksville Cemetery Wallace Street Macksville 2447 02 6568 2555
Maclean Cemetery 14 - 20 Cameron Street Maclean 2464 02 6643 0200
Maclean Lawn Cemetery Brooms Head Road Maclean 2460 02 6643 0200
Macquarie Park Cemetery & Crematorium Cnr Delhi & Plassey Roads Macquarie Park 2113 1300 389 888
Macquarie Plains Cemetery 3249 O'Connell Road Brewongle 2795
Maffra Cemetery Maffra Road Maffra 2630 1300 345 345
Maitland Jewish Cemetery Off Louth Park Road South Maitland 2320 02 4934 9700
Maitland Westside Uniting Church Columbarium 347 High Street Maitland 2320 02 8267 4300
Majors Creek Cemetery Berlang Forest Road Majors Creek 2622 1300 247 025
Mallanganee Cemetery 4 Yates Road Mallanganee 2469 02 6632 1611
Manilla Cemetery Namoi River Road Manilla 2346 02 6767 5555
Manilla Graves Off Park Avenue Manilla 2346 02 6767 5555
Manilla Historic Cemetery River Street Manilla 2346 02 6767 5555
Manly Cemetery Griffiths Street Fairlight 2094 1300 434 434
Manning Great Lakes Memorial Gardens 183 Pampoolah Road Taree 2430 02 6550 0755
Maqbara Moosiyan 45 Hollinsworth Road Marsden Park 2765 02 9627 4521
March Uniting Church Cemetery 893 Burrendong Way Orange 2800 02 8267 4300
Markdale Cemetery off Mulgowrie Road Crooked Corner 2583 02 4830 1000
Marlee Cemetery 6 Marlee Cemetery Road Marlee 2429 02 7955 7016
Marra Cemetery Johnsons Road The Marra 2831 02 6847 6600
Marrar Cemetery Canola Way Marrar 2652 02 6930 1800
Marsden Heritage Cemetery Mid Western Highway Carabagal 2810 02 6343 1212
Marshall Mount Uniting Cemetery 283 Calderwood Road Calderwood 2527 02 8267 4300
Marthaguy Cemetery Marthaguy 2824 02 6847 6600
Martinsville Pioneer Cemetery 200 Martinsville Road Martinsville 2284 02 4921 0333
Marulan Cemetery Hume Highway Marulan 2579 02 4823 4444
Marulan Roman Catholic Church Cemetery Hume Highway Marulan 2579 02 6239 9800
Maryland Cemetery Via Mary Land Station Road Maryland 4377 02 6890 1100
Mathoura Lawn Cemetery Cemetery Road Mathoura 2710 1300 087 004
Mathoura Pioneer Cemetery Cemetery Road Mathoura 2710 1300 087 004
Maude Cemetery 87 Pibrock Road Maude 2711 02 6990 1100
Maules Creek Cemetery 2441 Maules Creek Road Tarriaro 2390 02 6799 6866
Maybole Cemetery Whites Road Maybole 2365 02 6728 8288
Mays Hill Reserve Cemetery Cnr Great Western Highway & Franklin Street Mays Hill 2145 1300 617 058
McCallums Hill Wall Columbarium & The Belmore Memorial Wall Columbarium 722 Canterbury Road Belmore 2195 02 9265 1656
McCarthy's Cemetery 82 Mccarthy's Lane Cranebrook 2749 02 4734 8119
McGraths Hill Methodist Cemetery 2 High Street McGraths Hill 2756 02 4560 4444
Meadow Flat Cemetery Mead Street Meadow Flat 2795 02 6354 9999
Megalong Valley General Cemetery The Six Foot Track Megalong Valley 2785 02 4780 5000
Melville Point Cemetery Memorial Red Hill Parade Tomakin 2537 02 4474 1000
Memorial Park Cemetery 111 Wandobah Road Gunnedah 2380 02 6740 2100
Mendooran Cemetery Mendooran Road Mendooran 2842 02 6849 2000
Menindee Cemetery Old Pooncarie Road Menindee 2879 08 8083 8900
Merah North Graves 2479 Middle Route Road Merah North 2388 02 6799 6866
Meranburn Cemetery Manildra Cemetery Road Manildra 2865 02 6392 3200
Merrilla Uniting Church Cemetery 1095 Gurrundah Road Parkesbourne 2580 02 8267 4300
Merriwa General Cemetery 168 Flaggs Road Merriwa 2329 02 6540 1100
Merriwa Lawn Cemetery 168 Flaggs Road Merriwa 2329 02 6540 1100
Merriwagga Cemetery Black Stump Road Merriwagga 2652 02 6965 1900
Merrylands Anglican Church Columbarium 30 - 32 St Ann Street Merrylands 2160 02 9265 1656
Merton Cemetery 5052 Jerrys Plains Road Denman 2328 02 6547 1149
Michelago Cemetery Monaro Highway Michelago 2620 1300 345 345
Milbrulong Lutheran Cemetery 961 Lockhart The Rock Road Milbrulong 2656 02 6926 1414
Millfield Cemetery Crump Street Millfield 2325 02 4993 4100
Millthorpe Cemetery 56 Park Street Millthorpe 2798 02 6368 2104
Milparinka Cemetery Mount Shannon Road Milparinka 2880 1300 886 235
Milton Uniting Church Cemetery Woodstock Road Milton 2538 02 8267 4300
Minmi Cemetery 27 Minmi Road Minmi 2287 02 4974 2000
Mitchells Island Cemetery 36 Leslies Lane Mitchells Island 2430 02 7955 7016
Mitta Mitta Cemetery Mitta Church Road off Bethundra Road Eurongilly 2663 02 6924 8100
Moama Cemetery Perricoota Road Moama 2731 1300 087 004
Mogo Cemetery Princes Highway Mogo 2536 02 4474 1000
Molong Cemetery Molong Cemetery Road Molong 2866 02 6392 3200
Mona Vale General Cemetery 107 Mona Vale Road Mona Vale 2103 1300 434 434
Mongarlowe Cemetery Galway Street Mongarlowe 2622 1300 247 025
Monkerai Cemetery Lawlers Creek Road Monkerai 2455 02 7955 7016
Monteagle Cemetery 14 Sads Lane Monteagle 2594 1300 445586
Moonan Brook Cemetery 411 Moonan Brook Road Moonan Brook 2336 02 6540 1100
Moonbah Cemetery 1202 Barry Way Moonbah 2627 1300 345 345
Moorefields Cemetery 96A Moorefields Road Kingsgrove 2208 02 9707 9000
Moorland Cemetery 19718 Pacific Highway Moorland 2443 02 7955 7016
Moorwatha General Cemetery 951 Howlong-Burumbuttock Road Burrumbuttock 2642 02 6036 0100
Morangarell Cemetery Mary Gilmore Way Morangarell 2666 02 6972 2266
Moree Cemetery Carbeen Street Moree 2400 02 6757 3222
Morisset Cemetery 36 Ettalong Road Morisset 2264 02 4921 0333
Morongla Cemetery Morongla Road Cowra 2794 02 6340 2054
Morpeth Cemetery & Columbarium Tank Street Morpeth 2321 02 4934 9700
Mort Cemetery Eurobodalla Road Bodalla 2545 02 6245 7101
Mortis Street Cemetery Mortis Street Goulburn 2580 02 4823 4444
Morton Cemetery Brooman Road Morton 2538 1300 293 111
Morundah Cemetery Yamma Road Morundah 2700 02 6033 8999
Moruya General Cemetery Dwyers Creek Road Moruya 2537 02 4474 1000
Moruya Long Swamp Cemetery 1-3 Bergalia Street Moruya 2537 02 4474 1000
Moss Vale General Cemetery 75 Berrima Road Moss Vale 2577 02 4868 0887
Mossgiel Cemetery Cobb Highway Mossgiel 2878 08 8083 8900
Moulamein Cemetery Hay Road Moulamein 2733 1300 087 004
Mount Adrah Cemetery Brungle Creek Link Road Mount Adrah 2729 1300 459 689
Mount Allen Cemetery 22085 Kidman Way Mount Hope 2877 02 6836 5888
Mount Cooper Cemetery Mount Cooper Road Ando 2631 1300 345 345
Mount Drysdale Cemetery 3281 Kidman Way Tindarey 2835 02 6836 5888
Mount George Pioneer Cemetery Norwood Lane Mount George 2424 02 7955 7016
Mount Hope Cemetery 20115 Kidman Way Mount Hope 2877 02 6836 5888
Mount Irvine Cemetery 7 - 9 Danes Way Mount Irvine 2786 02 4780 5000
Mount Victoria Cemetery 10 Victoria Falls Road Mount Victoria 2786 02 4780 5000
Mount Werong Cemetery Mt Track Mount Werong 2787 02 6329 8100
Mount White Cemetery Pacific Highway Mount White 2250 02 4350 5108
Mount Wolgan Graves Wolgan Road Wolgan Valley 2790 02 6354 9999
Mt Erin Chapel Grounds 8 Edmondson Street Turvey Park 2650 02 6937 0003
Mt Lambie Presbyterian Church Cemetery & Columbarium Thorpes Pinch Road Mt Lambie 2790 02 9690 9333
Mudgee Cemetery 406 Ulan Road Buckaroo 2850 02 6378 2850
Mulbring Uniting Church Cemetery 3 Old Cessnock Road Mulbring 2323 02 8267 4300
Mullengandra Cemetery Hume Highway Mullengandra 2644 02 6036 0100
Mullion Creek Catholic Cemetery 26 Bevan Road Mullion Creek 2800 02 6334 6416
Mullumbimby Cemetery Poplar Avenue Mullumbimby 2482 02 6626 7000
Mulwala Cemetery 109 - 129 Lucan Street Mulwala 2647 02 6033 8999
Mumblebone Plain Cemetery Mumblebone Plain 2824 02 6847 6600
Mummel Catholic Cemetery Range Road Mummel 2580 02 6239 9800
Mundarlo Lone Grave Mundarlo Road Mundarlo 2729 1300 459 689
Mundawaddery Cemetery Henty Pleasant Hills Road Munyabla 2658 02 6920 5305
Mungindi Lawn Cemetery Caidmurra Street Mungindi 2406 02 6757 3222
Mungindi Old Cemetery Carnarvon Highway Mungindi 2406 02 6757 3222
Munni Cemetery Salisbury Road Underbank 2420 02 4995 7777
Munyabla Lutheran Cemetery Cnr Mynyabla Road and Munyabla Cemetery Road Henty 2658 02 6929 3201
Murrin Bridge Cemetery 1499 Lachlan Valley Way Murrin Bridge 2672 02 6898 1599
Murringo Cemetery Murringo Road Murringo 2586 1300 445586
Murringo Old Cemetery Hill Street Murringo 2586 1300 445586
Murrumbateman Bush Cemetery 33 South Street Murrumbateman 2582 02 6226 1477
Murrurundi Catholic Cemetery Polding Street Murrurundi 2338 02 6545 9911
Murrurundi General Cemetery 21 Polding Street Murrurundi 2338 02 6540 1100
Murrurundi Lawn Cemetery 21 Polding Street Murrurundi 2338 02 6540 1100
Murrurundi North Cemetery New England Highway Murrurundi 2338 02 6540 1100
Murwillumbah Banner Street Memorial Park 2 - 8 Banner Street Murwillumbah 2484 02 6670 2400
Murwillumbah General Cemetery 210 Byangum Road Murwillumbah 2484 02 6670 2400
Murwillumbah Lawn Cemetery 210 Byangum Road Murwillumbah 2484 02 6670 2400
Murwillumbah Roman Catholic Cemetery 36 Kyogle Road Bray Park 2484 02 6670 2400
Muswellbrook Cemetery Bowman Street Muswellbrook 2333 02 6549 3700
Muswellbrook Presbyterian Church 104 - 106 Hill Street Muswellbrook 2333 02 9690 9333
Mutawintji Thunka Mutawintji National Park, Mutawintji Access Rd Mutawintji 2880 0472 639 523
Muttama Cemetery Cootamundra Road Muttama 2722 1300 459 689
Mutton Falls Anglican Cemetery 2003 Lowes Mount Road Tarana 2787 02 6331 1722
Mylneford Cemetery Mylneford Road Mylneford 2460 02 6643 0200
Myra Vale Cemetery Myra Vale Road Wildes Meadow 2577 02 4868 0887
Nambucca Heads Cemetery Charlton Street Nambucca Heads 2448 02 6568 2555
Nambucca River Presbyterian Church Columbarium 49 Wallace Street Macksville 2447 02 9690 9333
Nana Glen Cemetery Brewers Road Nana Glen 2450 02 6648 4000
Nangus Cemetery Nangus Road Nangus 2722 1300 459 689
Naradhan Cemetery Rankins Spring Road Naradhan 2669 02 6972 2266
Naradhan Graves Rankins Springs Road Naradhan 2669 02 6972 2266
Narooma Cemetery Cemetery Road Narooma 2546 02 4474 1000
Narrabri Lawn Cemetery Kamilaroi Highway Narrabri 2390 02 6799 6866
Narrabri Old Cemetery 44 Old Cemetery Road Narrabri 2390 02 6799 6866
Narrandera Cemetery Douglas Street Narrandera 2700 02 6959 5510
Narrandera Pioneer Cemetery 1 Lake Drive Narrandera 2700 02 6959 5510
Narromine Cemetery 94 Tomingley Road Narromine 2821 02 6889 9999
Nelligen Cemetery Runnyford Road Nelligen 2536 02 4474 1000
Nelligen Church of England Cemetery 28 Braidwood Street Nelligen 2536 02 4474 1000
Nelson Bay Cemetery 43A & 43B Stockton Street Nelson Bay 2315 02 4988 0255
Nerriga Catholic Cemetery 6221 Nerriga Road Nerriga 2622 1300 247 025
Nerriga General Cemetery 20 Willow Forest Road Nerriga 2622 1300 247 025
Nerrigundah General Cemetery 823 Nerrigundah Mountain Road Nerrigundah 2545 02 4474 1000
Nevertire Cemetery Warren Road Nevertire 2831 02 6847 6600
Neville Cemetery 81 Kentucky Road Neville 2799 02 6368 2104
Neville Presbyterian Church 4 Crouch Street Neville 2799 02 9690 9333
New Dubbo Cemetery Cobbora Road Dubbo 2830 02 6801 4000
Newbridge Cemetery Newbridge Road Newbridge 2795 02 6368 2104
Newcastle Memorial Park 3/173 Anderson Drive Beresfield 2322 02 9814 3402
Niangala Cemetery Niangala Weabonda Road Niangala 2354 02 6767 5555
Nimbin Cemetery 23 Nimbin Cemetery Road Nimbin 2480 1300 878 387
Nimmitabel Cemetery Monaro Highway Nimmitabel 2630 1300 345 345
Nimmitabel Pioneer Cemetery North Boyd Street Nimmitabel 2630 1300 345 345
Noraville Cemetery 105 Oleander Street Noraville 2263 02 4350 5108
North Berry Jerry Cemetery Bradshaws Lane Berry Jerry 2701 02 6930 1800
North Bourke Cemetery 1 - 9 Macquarie Street North Bourke 2840 02 6830 8000
North Gundagai Cemetery William Street Gundagai 2722 1300 459 689
North Lismore Cemetery 2 Nimbin Road Lismore 2480 1300 878 387
North Rocks Catholic Cemetery 395 North Rocks Road Carlingford 2118 02 8713 5700
North Yalgogrin Cemetery Youngaren Road North Yalgogrin 2671 02 6972 2266
Northern Rivers Memorial Park 259 Coraki Road South Gundurimba 2480 0428 916 083
Northern Suburbs Memorial Park 197-199 Delhi Road North Ryde 2113 02 9814 3402
Nowendoc Cemetery 7817 Thunderbots Way Nowendoc 2354 02 6774 2500
Nowra General Cemetery Kalandar Street Nowra 2541 1300 293 111
Nullamanna Cemetery 1218 Nullamanna Road Nullamanna 2360 02 6728 8288
Numbaa Cemetery Comerong Island Road Numbaa 2540 1300 293 111
Numeralla Cemetery Beresford Road Numeralla 2630 1300 345 345
Nundle Cemetery Nundle Creek Road Nundle 2340 02 6767 5555
Nymagee Cemetery 148 Glenwood Road Nymagee 2831 02 6836 5888
Nymboida Cemetery Coalmine Road Nymboida 2460 02 6643 0200
Nymboida Historic Gravesite Armidale Road Nymboida 2460 02 6643 0200
Nyngan Cemetery Cemetery Road Nyngan 2825 02 6835 9000
Nyrang Creek Cemetery Nangar Road Canowindra 2804 02 6392 3200
Oak Creek Cemetery Weabonga Road Weabonga 2340 02 6767 5555
Oakhampton Cemetery Oakhampton Road Oakhampton 2320 02 4934 9700
Oaklands Cemetery Federation Way Oaklands 2646 02 6033 8999
Oaklands Monumental Cemetery Cemetery Road Oaklands 2646 02 6033 8999
Oberon General Cemetery Abercrombie Road Oberon 2787 02 6329 8100
Obley Cemetery Matthews Road Obley 2868 02 6392 3200
O'Connell Cemetery Mutton Falls Road O'Connell 2787 02 6329 8100
Old Adaminaby Cemetery Old Cemetery Road Adaminaby 2629 1300 345 345
Old Bonalbo Cemetery 42 Remembrance Drive Joes Box 2469 02 6632 1611
Old Booligal Cemetery Jenkins Street Booligal 2711 02 6990 1100
Old Bundemar Cemetery Bundemar Road Gin Gin 2823 02 6889 9999
Old Cathcart Cemetery Dragon Swamp Road Cathcart 2632 1300 345 345
Old Dandaloo Cemetery Babathnil Street Dandaloo 2823 02 6889 9999
Old Dubbo Cemetery 234 Myall Street Dubbo 2830 02 6801 4000
Old Junee Cemetery Marah Street Old Junee 2652 02 6924 8100
Old Man's Valley Cemetery Quarry Road Hornsby 2077 02 9847 6666
Old Maude Cemetery Gelam Street Maude 2711 02 6990 1100
Old Methodist Cemetery - Oberon Duckmaloi Road Oberon 2787 02 8267 4300
Old Methodist Cemetery Rye Park Yass Street Rye Park 2586 02 8267 4300
Old Mogo Anglican Cemetery 2 Church Street Mogo 2536 02 4472 5822
Old Nerrigundah Cemetery Eurobodalla Road Nerrigundah 2545
Old Nowra Catholic Cemetery 20 North Street Nowra 2541 02 4423 1712
Old Peak Hill Cemetery Bulgandramine Road Peak Hill 2869 02 6861 2333
Old St John's Cemetery Cnr Broughton & George Streets Campbelltown 2560 02 4625 8044
Old Worrigee Cemetery Greenwell Point Road Worrigee 2540 1300 293 111
Olive Family Cemetery Summerland Way Whiporie 2469 02 6660 0300
Ophir General Cemetery Lower Lewis Ponds Road Ophir 2800 02 6365 8330
Orange General Cemetery Lone Pine Avenue Orange 2800 02 6329 8100
Oswald Cemetery Oswald Road Oswald 2321 02 4934 9700
Our Lady Help of Christians Church 1193 Lemon Passage Road Mallabula 2319 02 4987 1888
Our Lady of Mt Carmel Parish Memorial Garden & Columbarium 193 St Andrews Road Varroville 2566 02 9603 7373
Our Lady of Sorrows Church Grounds 145 Albury Street Holbrook 2644 02 6937 0003
Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Parish The Entrance 239 - 243 The Entrance Road The Entrance 2261 02 4332 2216
Our Lady of The Way Chapel Columbarium 3 Marian Place Toormina 2452 02 6659 6609
Oxley Cemetery Oxley Road Oxley 2711 03 5020 1300
Oxley Island Cemetery 102 Oxley Island Road Oxley Island 2430 02 7955 7016
Paddys Gully Cemetery Pinkett Road Backwater 2365 1300 136 833
Pallamallawa Cemetery North Street Pallamallawa 2399 02 6757 3222
Palmdale Lawn Cemetery & Memorial Park 57 Palmdale Road Palmdale 2258 02 4362 1203
Palmers Oaky Cemetery Palmers Oaky Road Palmers Oaky 2795 02 6354 9999
Pambula Cemetery Munje Street Pambula 2549 02 6499 2222
Parish of St Michael 325 Lawrence Hargrave Drive Thirroul 2515 02 4284 3000
Parkes Cemetery Renshaw McGirr Way Parkes 2870 02 6861 2333
Parkesbourne Uniting Church 65 Church Hall Road Parkesbourne 2581 02 8267 4300
Parkville Cemetery 35 Alfred Brown Lane Parkville 2337 02 6540 1100
Paterson Cemetery Webbers Creek Road Paterson 2420 02 4995 7777
Peak Hill Cemetery Newell Highway Peak Hill 2869 02 6861 2333
Peak View Cemetery Dowling Firetrail Peak View 2630 1300 345 345
Peel General Cemetery Sofala Road Sofala 2795 02 6333 6111
Peelwood Catholic Cemetery Peelwood Road Peelwood 2583 02 6239 9800
Peelwood Cemetery Peelwood Road Peelwood 2583 02 4830 1000
Penrith General Cemetery 1 - 27 Cox Avenue Kingswood 2747 02 4732 8031
Penrose General Cemetery Victoria Street Penrose 2530 02 4868 0887
Perthville Cemetery 1 Tenison Woods Avenue Perthville 2795 02 6337 2307
Perthville Uniting Church Cemetery 836 Vale Road Perthville 2795
Petersham Cemetery 3 Thomas Street Petersham 2049 02 9390 5100
Picton Cemetery Dunlop Place Picton 2571 02 4677 1100
Picton Pioneer Cemetery - St Mark's Anglican Church 5 - 7 Menangle Street West Picton 2571 02 9265 1656
Piddingtons Funeral Home & Crematorium 122 Uralla Road Armidale 2350 02 6772 2288
Pilliga Cemetery 5647 Pilliga Road Pilliga 2388 02 6799 6866
Pinegrove Memorial Park Great Western Highway Minchinbury 2766 02 9814 3402
Pinnacles Cemetery Pinnacles Road Broken Hill 2880 1300 886 235
Pioneer Cemetery Adjacent to 6R Angle Road Dubbo 2830 02 6801 4000
Pitt Town Anglican Cemetery 60 Old Pitt Town Road Pitt Town 2756 02 9265 1656
Pitt Town General Cemetery 524 Old Stock Route Road Pitt Town 2756 02 4560 4444
Pittwater Graves 1 McCarrs Creek Road Church Point 2105 02 8267 4300
Pleasant Hills Lutheran Cemetery Henty Pleasant Hills Road Pleasant Hills 2658 02 6929 3175
Point Clare Cemetery 54 Coolarn Avenue Point Clare 2250 0411 915 277
Pooncarie Cemetery Tarcoola Street Pooncarie 2648 03 5027 5027
Port Macquarie General Cemetery Widderson Street Port Macquarie 2444 02 6581 8111
Port Macquarie Historic Gravesite Hibbard Drive Port Macquarie 2444 02 6581 8111
Port Macquarie Historical Cemetery Gordon Street Port Macquarie 2444 02 6581 8111
Porters Retreat Cemetery Abercrombie Road Oberon 2787 02 6329 8100
Portland Cemetery Portland Road Portland 2847 02 6354 9999
Presbyterian Cemetery aka Old Uniting Church Cemetery 2A Beach Road Batemans Bay 2536 02 4474 1000
Pretty Gully Cemetery Paddy's Flat Road Tabulam 2469 02 6890 1100
Pyramul Catholic Cemetery 111 Prices Lane Pyramul 2850 02 6334 6416
Pyramul Cemetery 1356 Pyramul Road Pyramul 2850 02 6378 2850
Quaama Cemetery Orient Street Quaama 2550 02 6499 2222
Quambone Cemetery 5320 Quambone Road Quambone 2831 02 6927 1900
Queanbeyan Lawn Cemetery 250 Lanyon Drive Queanbeyan 2620 1300 247 025
Queanbeyan Riverside Cemetery 40 Erin Street Queanbeyan 2620 1300 247 025
Quipolly Cemetery Kamilaroi Highway Quipolly 2343 02 6746 1755
Quirindi Cemetery Russell Street Quirindi 2343 02 6746 1755
Ramornie Cemetery Gwydir Highway Ramornie 2460 02 6643 0200
Randwick General Cemetery 42 - 139 Malabar Road South Coogee 2034 02 9093 6642
Rankins Springs Cemetery Rankins Springs Road Rankins Springs 2669 02 6965 1900
Rannock Cemetery Chants Lane Rannock 2701 02 6930 1800
Rawsonville Cemetery 47R Rawsonville Rd Rawsonville 2830 02 6801 4000
Raymond Terrace Cemetery 1A Elizabeth Avenue Raymond Terrace 2324 02 4988 0255
Raymond Terrace Pioneer Hill Cemetery 2 Elizabeth Avenue Raymond Terrace 2324 02 4988 0255
Red Range Cemetery 84 Red Range Cemetery Road Red Range 2370 02 6730 2300
Redbank Cemetery 406 Old Bar Road Pampoolah 2430 02 7955 7016
Reedy Creek Anglican Cemetery Mirannie Road Reedy Creek 2330 02 6571 1414
Reedy Creek Cemetery Mirannie Road Reedy Creek 2330 02 6578 7290
Reids Flat Cemetery Reids Flat Road Reids Flat 2586 1300 445586
Richmond Lawn Cemetery 73 Dight Street Richmond 2753 02 4560 4444
Richmond Presbyterian Cemetery 16 Jersey Street Richmond 2753 02 4560 4444
Riverstone Cemetery Cemetery Road Riverstone 2765 02 9839 6000
Robertson Anglican Columbarium 64 Hoddle Street Robertson 2577 02 9265 1656
Robertson General Cemetery 151 Missingham Road Robertson 2577 02 4868 0887
Rockdale Uniting Church Cemetery 3 - 11 Bay Street Rockdale 2216 02 8267 4300
Rockley General Cemetery Rockley Cemetery Road Rockley 2795 02 6333 6111
Rocky Dam Cemetery Blue Nobby Road Yetman 2410 02 6728 8288
Rocky Glen Cemetery Borah Creek Road Rocky Glen 2843 02 6849 2000
Rocky Hall Cemetery Cemetery Road Rocky Hall 2550 02 6499 2222
Rollands Plains Cemetery Rollands Plains Road Rollands Plains 2441 02 6581 8111
Ronkana Cemetery 185 Old Chittaway Road Fountaindale 2258 02 4350 5108
Rookwood Catholic Cemetery Barnet Avenue Rookwood 2141 02 8713 5700
Rookwood Cemetery Hawthorne Avenue Rookwood 2141 1300 389 888
Rookwood Memorial Gardens Memorial Avenue Rookwood 2135 02 9814 3402
Rosedale Cemetery also known as Wilson Cemetery Wilson Row Murrurundi 2338 02 4926 3733
Rosewood Cemetery 149 Coppabella Road Rosewood 2652 1300 275 782
Rothbury Cemetery Wilderness Road Rothbury 2335 02 4993 4100
Rouchel General Cemetery 2587 Back Creek Road Rouchel 2336 02 6540 1100
Round Plain Cemetery 2160 Rocky Plain Road Rocky Plain 2628 1300 345 345
Rous Cemetery Rous Cemetery Road Rous 2477 02 6686 1411
Rouse Hill Cemetery 10 - 12 Aberdour Avenue Rouse Hill 2155 02 9265 1656
Rowe's Hill Anglican Cemetery 869 Old South Road Mittagong 2575 02 4868 0887
Rozelayne Cemetery also known as Curra Creek Cemetery 15 Tillings Lane Curra Creek 2820 02 6801 4000
Rugby Cemetery Rugby Road Rugby 2583 1300 445586
Running Stream Cemetery 12 New Olivers Road Running Stream 2850 02 8267 4300
Rutherford Catholic Columbarium 10 Young Street Rutherford 2320 02 4933 8918
Rutherford Methodist Cemetery New England Highway Rutherford 2320 02 4934 9700
Rydal Cemetery Cartwright Street Rydal 2795 02 6354 9999
Rye Park Cemetery Cemetery Drive Rye Park 2586 1300 445586
Rylstone Kandos Cemetery 73 Narrango Road Rylstone 2849 02 6378 2850
Sackville North Cemetery 437 Sackville Ferry Road Sackville North 2756 02 9843 0555
Sackville North Methodist Cemetery 520 Chapel Hill Road Sackville North 2756 0420 312 265
Sackville Reach Cemetery 614 Tizzana Road Sackville 2756 02 4560 4444
Sacred Heart Cathedral Columbarium 4/841 Hunter Street Newcastle West 2302 02 4979 1101
Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetery Gurrundah Road Gurrundah 2581 02 6239 9800
Sacred Heart Church Griffith 11 Warrambool Street Griffith 2680 02 6937 0003
Saint Luke's Anglican Church Columbarium 48 Court Street Taralga 2580 02 6245 7101
Saint Mary's Catholic Cemetery 65 Kingdon Street Scone 2337 02 6545 9911
Saint Mary's Columbarium 66 - 68 Church Street Maitland 2320 02 4933 5302
Saint Matthew's Anglican Church Cemetery & Memorial Garden Bannaby Road Bannaby 2580 02 6245 7101
Saint Peter's Anglican Church Columbarium 47 William Street East Maitland 2323 02 4934 5303
Saint Saviour's Cemetery Cemetery Street Goulburn 2580 02 4823 4444
Saint Stephen's Anglican Memorial Garden 181 - 193 Brunker Road Adamstown 2289 02 4926 3733
Saint Thomas' Anglican Church Cemetery, Carwoola 1909 Captains Flats Road Primrose Valley 2621 02 6245 7101
Saints Mary & Joseph Catholic Cathedral 130 - 136 Dangar Street Armidale 2350 02 6771 8700
Salisbury Cemetery Salisbury Road Salisbury 2420 02 4995 7777
Sancrox Historic Cemetery Walters Road Sancrox 2446 02 6581 8111
Sandgate Cemetery 116 Sandgate Road Sandgate 2304 1300 389 888
Sandridge General Cemetery 45 Ocean Street Mollymook 2539 1300 293 111
Savernake Cemetery Wandong Road Savernake 2646 02 6033 8999
Scarborough & Wombarra General Cemetery Lawrence Hargrave Drive Wombarra 2515 02 4227 7111
Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary 230 Fairlight Road Mulgoa 2745 02 4773 8338
Scone Anglican Cemetery New England Highway Scone 2337 02 6540 1100
Scone Catholic Cemetery New England Highway Scone 2337 02 6545 9911
Scone General Cemetery 35 Common Road Scone 2337 02 6540 1100
Scone Lawn Cemetery 35 Common Road Scone 2337 02 6540 1100
Scone Uniting Church Columbarium 76 Main Street Scone 2337 02 8267 4300
Scots - Kiama Presbyterian Church Terralong & Shoalhaven Streets Kiama 2533 02 9690 9333
Seaham Cemetery 8 - 20 Grape Street Seaham 2324 02 4988 0255
Sedgefield Cemetery 285 Gresford Road Sedgefield 2330 02 6578 7290
Shaw Cemetery 934 Mount Macquarie Road Neville 2799 02 6368 2104
Shellharbour General Cemetery 441 - 443 Shellharbour Road Shellharbour 2529 02 4221 6111
Shoalhaven Memorial Gardens & Lawn Cemetery 349 Worrigee Road Worrigee 2541 1300 293 111
Shooters Hill Cemetery Shooters Hill Road Oberon 2787 02 6329 8100
Shuttleton Cemetery 510 Shutteton Road Nymagee 2831 02 6836 5888
Silverton Cemetery Silverton 2880 08 8087 3962
Silverton Historic Cemetery Silverton 2880 08 8087 3962
Singleton Catholic Cemetery 46 Queen Street Redbournberry 2330 02 5507 4048
Singleton Catholic Columbarium 28 Queen Street Singleton 2330 02 5507 4048
Singleton Uniting Church Cemetery 44 - 46 Queen Streeet Redbournberry 2330 02 8267 4300
Singleton Uniting Church Columbarium 2 Church Street Singleton 2330 02 8267 4300
Sir John Jamison's Catholic Cemetery 14B Lilac Place Jamisontown 2750 02 4721 2509
Smithfield Cemetery 102 - 118 Dublin Street Smithfield 2164 0478 942 085
Smithfield Methodist Cemetery 711 The Horsley Drive Smithfield 2164 0402 574 358
Sofala General Cemetery Sofala Road Sofala 2795 02 6333 6111
Soldiers & Miners Memorial Church Columbarium 301 Cordeaux Road Mount Kembla 2526 02 9265 1656
Soldiers Flat Memorial Cemetery Rivers Road Canowindra 2804 02 6340 2054
Somerton Cemetery Somerton Tip Road Somerton 2340 02 6767 5555
South Bowenfels Cemetery (Great Western Highway, South Bowenfels) Great Western Highway South Bowenfels 2790 02 6354 9999
South Bowenfels Cemetery (Old Bathurst Road, South Bowenfels) Old Bathurst Road South Bowenfels 2790 02 6354 9999
South Grafton Cemetery Tyson Street South Grafton 2460 02 6643 0200
South Gundagai Cemetery Gocup Road Gundagai 2722 1300 459 689
South Head General Cemetery Old South Head Road Vaucluse 2030 02 9083 8899
South Tweed Heads General Cemetery 176 Kirkwood Road Tweed Heads South 2486 02 6670 2400
South Windsor Presbyterian Cemetery 8 Church Street South Windsor 2756 02 4560 4444
Sparkes Creek Cemetery 988 Upper Dartbrook Road Upper Dartbrook 2337 02 6540 1100
Spicers Creek Cemetery 4057 Goolma Road Spicers Creek 2820 02 6801 4000
Spring Hill Cemetery Warburton Lane Spring Hill 2800 02 6329 8100
Spring Ridge Cemetery Nilwon 3736 Coonabarabran Road Spring Ridge 2343 02 6746 1755
Spring Valley Cemetery 2106 Currawang Road Currawang 2580 02 6239 9800
Springdale Cemetery Springdale-Wallundry Road Springdale 2666 02 6890 1100
Springwood Cemetery 40 Davesta Road Springwood 2777 02 4780 5000
St Alban's Burial Garden 20 Brook Street Muswellbrook 2333 02 6541 2718
St Alban's Memorial Wall 106 Henry Street Quirindi 2343 02 6772 4491
St Albans New General Cemetery 138 Wollembi Road St Albans 2775 02 4560 4444
St Albans Old General Cemetery 1625 Settlers Road St Albans 2775 02 4560 4444
St Aloysius Catholic Cemetery Timothy Lacey Lane The Oaks 2570 02 4657 2393
St Aloysius Catholic Church Columbarium 5 Nicholson Parade Cronulla 2230 02 8522 0300
St Andrew's Anglican Church Cemetery, Tirranaville 5026 Braidwood Road Tirrannaville 2580 02 6245 7101
St Andrews Church & Cemetery O'Brien's Lane Cooyal 2850 02 6331 1722
St Andrew's Columbarium 56 Raglan Street Manly 2095 02 9949 7557
St Andrew's Dungog Presbyterian Church Columbarium 63 Dowling Street Dungog 2420 439030323
St Andrew's Memorial Garden 31A Church Street Mayfield 2304 02 4960 9528
St Anne's Anglican Church Columbarium 38 Homebush Road Strathfield 2135 02 9265 1656
St Anne's Anglican Church Ryde 44 - 46 Church Street Ryde 2112 02 9265 1656
St Anne's Gresford Cemetery & Columbarium Church Street Gresford 2311 02 4926 3733
St Anthony's Catholic Church Columbarium 12 - 14 Pearl Street Kingscliff 2486 02 6674 1284
St Anthony's Parish Tahmoor Columbarium 20 Stratford Road Tahmoor 2573 02 4683 2230
St Augustine's Anglican Church Cemetery 66 Park Road Bulli 2516 02 9265 1656
St Augustine's Memorial Garden 43 Llewellyn Street Merewether 2291 02 4963 1388
St Barnabas Anglican Church Columbarium 21 Lackey Street Fairfield 2165 02 9265 1656
St Barnabas Anglican Church Memorial Garden 36A Bant Street Bathurst 2795 02 6331 1722
St Barnabas Cemetery (Booral) 2298 Bucketts Way Booral 2324 02 49921839
St Barnabas Cemetery (Yarramalong) 1671 Yarramalong Road Yarramalong 2259 02 4350 5108
St Barnabas Narrawa Cemetery & Columbarium Wall 5110 Boorowa Road Narrawa 2583 02 6245 7101
St Barnabas Werombi Cemetery Hayters Lane Werombi 2570 02 9265 1656
St Bartholomew's Anglican Church Cemetery Windellama Road Windellama 2580 02 6245 7101
St Bartholomew's Cemetery Ponds Road Prospect 2148 02 9839 6000
St Bede's Catholic Church Cemetery 60 Appin Road Appin 2560 02 4628 1385
St Brigid's Catholic Church & Graveyard 2038 Hill End Road Sallys Flat 2850 02 6334 6416
St Canice's Parish Columbarium 26 Roslyn Street Rushcutters Bay 2011 02 9358 5229
St Carthage's Cathedral Lismore 6 Leycester Street Lismore 2480 02 6626 0250
St Catherine Laboure Catholic Church Memorial Garden 123 Gymea Bay Road Gymea 2227 02 9525 1138
St Cecilia's Church Columbarium 23 Byron Street Wyong 2259 02 4352 1011
St Charles Borromeo Catholic Cemetery 582 Victoria Road Ryde 2112 02 9807 2966
St Christopher's Anglican Church 92 Gillies Street Rutherford 2320 02 4932 8948
St Clements Anglican Church Columbarium 18 Church Street Yass 2582 02 6245 7101
St Columba of Iona Anglican Church Cemetery 99 Coolah Road Cassilis 2329 0429 996 769
St David's Presbyterian Cemetery Cnr Broughton & Moore Streets Campbelltown 2560 02 9690 9333
St David's Presbyterian Church Moorilda 305 Three Brothers Road Newbridge 2795 02 9690 9333
St David's Presbyterian Columbarium Memorial Wall 40 Lithgow Street Campbelltown 2560 02 9690 9333
St David's Uniting Church Cemetery 51 Dalhousie Street Haberfield 2045 02 8267 4300
St Felix De Valois Cemetery 347A Hume Highway Bankstown 2200 02 9790 1933
St Finbarr's Columbarium 50 Tennyson Street Byron Bay 2481 02 6685 6260
St Finbar's Columbarium Glenbrook 52 Levy Street Glenbrook 2773 02 4742 6958
St Francis of Assisi Cemetery O'Connell Road O'Connell 2795 02 6334 6416
St Francis Xavier's Cathedral Columbarium 24 Crown Street Wollongong 2500 02 4211 0500
St George's Anglican Church Cemetery 75 The Avenue Mount Wilson 2786 02 9265 1656
St George's Columbarium 12 Hill Street Parkes 2870 02 6331 1722
St Gregory's Catholic Church 5 Old Bells Line of Road Kurrajong 2758 02 4578 1410
St Helen's Church Cemetery 4 Park Street East Gresford 2311 02 4992 1477
St Hilda's Anglican Church Columbarium 68 Katoomba Street Katoomba 2785 02 9265 1656
St James Anglican Church Luddenham 33 Willmington Road LUDDENHAM 2745 02 9265 1656
St James Anglican Church Menangle 131 Menangle Road Menangle 2568 02 9265 1656
St James Anglican Church Morpeth Columbarium & Memorial Garden 19 Tank Street Morpeth 2321 02 4933 6218
St James Anglican Church Smithfield 704 The Horsley Drive Smithfield 2164 02 9265 1656
St James Church & Cemetery Pyramul Road Pyramul 2850 02 6331 1722
St James Kippilaw Cemetery Gurrundah Road Pomeroy 2580 02 6245 7101
St James Memorial Garden 25 - 27 Byron Street Wyong 2259 02 4926 3733
St James Parish Cemetery 65 Brook Street Muswellbrook 2333 02 6543 1167
St John Bosco Engadine Memorial Garden 46 Waratah Road Engadine 2233 02 9225 1138
St John the Baptist Anglican Church Columbarium 1624 Pittwater Road Mona Vale 2103 02 9265 1656
St John The Evangelist Anglican Church 754 Pacific Highway Gordon 2072 02 9265 1656
St John the Evangelist Church Cemetery & Columbarium 85 Cowper Street Stroud 2425 02 4994 5245
St John XXIII Remembrance Garden & Columbarium 160 Perfection Avenue Stanhope Gardens 2768 02 9852 0580
St John's Anglican Cemetery 1 O'Connell Street Parramatta 2150 02 9265 1656
St John's Anglican Church 64 Bland Street Ashfield 2131 02 9265 1656
St John's Anglican Church Cemetery (Camden) 6 Menangle Road Camden 2570 02 9265 1656
St John's Anglican Church Cemetery (Lostock) 34 Lostock School Road Lostock 2311 02 4926 3733
St John's Anglican Church Cessnock Columbarium 3 - 5 Westcott Street Cessnock 2325 02 4926 3733
St John's Anglican Church Columbarium (Vacy) 783 Gresford Road Vacy 2421 02 4926 3733
St John's Anglican Church Columbarium and Memorial Garden 294 Victoria Street Taree 2430 02 6551 3849
St John's Anglican Church Memorial Garden (Moruya) 50 Campbell Street Moruya 2537 02 6245 7101
St John's Anglican Church Memorial Garden (Raymond Terrace) 45 Sturgeon Street Raymond Terrace 2324 0401 061 789
St John's Anglican Church Wollombi Columbarium 2985 Paynes Crossing Road Wollombi 2325 02 4926 3733
St John's Anglican Church, Calvary Memorial Garden 6 - 12 Church Street Wagga Wagga 2650 02 6245 7101
St John's Bolong 802 Fullerton Road Fullerton 2583 02 6245 7101
St John's Cemetery Braidwood Road Lake Bathurst 2580 02 6245 7101
St John's Cemetery (Thurgoona) 30 Bottlebrush Street Thurgoona 2460 02 6043 3500
St John's Church of England Cemetery 478 Kellys Plains Road Armidale 2350 1300 136 833
St John's Columbarium 34 - 36 Grey Street Clarence Town 2321 02 4926 3733
St John's Lutheran Cemetery 52 Luther Road Jindera 2642 02 8660 1200
St John's Maroubra Anglican Columbarium 339A Maroubra Road Maroubra 2035 02 9265 1656
St John's The Divine Columbarium 45 Cessnock Road Branxton 2335 02 4926 3733
St Joseph's Catholic Church (Toronto) 140 Wangi Road Toronto 2283 02 4959 2777
St Joseph's Catholic Church Cemetery (Kangaroo Valley) 130 Moss Vale Road Kangaroo Valley 2577 02 4423 1712
St Joseph's Catholic Church Columbarium (Bulli) 48 - 50 Park Road Bulli 2516 02 4284 3000
St Joseph's Catholic Church Columbarium (The Junction) 34 Kenrick Street The Junction 2291 02 4979 1101
St Joseph's Catholic Columbarium East Maitland Cnr King Street & Newcastle Road East Maitland 2323 02 4933 8918
St Joseph's Church Columbarium 71 - 85 Byng Street Orange 2800 02 6334 6416
St Joseph's Parish Catholic Cemetery 14 - 16 Scott Street Cassilis 2329 02 6548 2086
St Jude's Anglican Church 4 High Street Bunnan 2337 0400 186 274
St Jude's Cemetery 106 Avoca Street Randwick 2031 02 9265 1656
St Jude's Cemetery / Dural Anglican Cemetery 883 - 887 Old Northern Road Dural 2158 02 9265 1656
St Kevin's Cardiff 226 Main Road Cardiff 2285 02 4957 0977
St Killians Catholic Church & Graveyard 1808 Windgraves Road Windeyer 2850 02 6334 6416
St Luke's Anglican Church (Scone) 75 Liverpool Street Scone 2337 0400 186 274
St Luke's Anglican Church (Telarah) 44 - 48 Capp Street Telarah 2320 02 4932 8948
St Luke's Anglican Church Concord & Burwood Columbarium 17 - 19 Burton Street Burwood 2137 02 9265 1656
St Luke's Anglican Church Wilton Cemetery 1093 - 1099 Argyle Street Wilton 2571 02 9265 1656
St Luke's Cemetery 35 Prince Edward Drive Brownsville 2530 02 9265 1656
St Lukes Church & Cemetery 13 Barigan Road Wollar 2850 02 6370 2528
St Lukes Columbarium 64 Princess Street Berry 2535 02 9265 1656
St Luke's Columbarium & Memorial Garden 24 Metcalfe Street Wallsend 2287 02 4955 9544
St Luke's Memorial Garden 147 Blackwall Road Woy Woy 2256 02 4926 3733
St Luke's, Grant Springs 1331 Peelwood Road Laggan 2583 02 6245 7101
St Margaret's Presbyterian Church Cemetery 24 Bathurst Street Tuena 2583 02 4830 1000
St Marks Anglican Church & Cemetery, Currawong 20 Tiverton Road Barwang 2594 02 6245 7101
St Mark's Anglican Church (Granville) 39 Jamieson Street Granville 2124 02 9265 1656
St Mark's Anglican Church (Islington) 5 - 7 Norfolk Avenue Islington 2296 02 4960 9528
St Mark's Anglican Church Cemetery 73 Forbes Creek Road Hoskinstown 2621 02 6245 7101
St Mark's Anglican Church Cemetery St Mark's Lane Mitchells Island 2430 02 6556 1111
St Marks Anglican Church Columbarium 429 Crown Street Wollongong 2500 02 9265 1656
St Marks Appin 1 - 5 Hamlet Crescent Rosemeadow 2560 02 9265 1656
St Mark's Church & Cemetery 1161 Ridgelands Road Muswellbrook 2333 02 6547 1149
St Marks Columbarium Chapel 35 Tranmere Street Drummoyne 2047 02 9181 1795
St Martin's Anglican Church Columbarium 9B Arnold Street Killara 2071 02 9265 1656
St Mary of the Cross Mackillop 3787 Sofala Road Wattle Flat 2795 02 6334 6416
St Mary on Allyn Cemetery also known as Allynbrook Cemetery 844 Allyn River Road Allynbrook 2311 02 4926 3733
St Mary's Anglican Church 59 First Street Weston 2326 02 4926 3733
St Mary's Anglican Church Cemetery Hume Highway Yarra 2580 02 6245 7101
St Mary's Anglican Church Columbarium (Bondi Junction) 240 Birrell Street Bondi Junction 2024 02 9265 1656
St Mary's Anglican Church Columbarium (Guildford) 246A Guildford Road Guildford 2161 02 9265 1656
St Mary's Cathedral 2 St Mary's Road Sydney 2000 02 9220 0400
St Mary's Catholic Church & Cemetery 184 Sherwood Road Kirkconnell 2795 02 6334 6416
St Mary's Chapel 3 Dawson Street Lismore 2480 02 6626 0250
St Mary's Church Cemetery Lot 2 Urana Street Jindera 2642 02 6025 1784
St Marys General Cemetery 175 - 191 Great Western Highway St Marys 2760 02 4732 8031
St Mary's Magdalene Cemetery 299 - 311 Great Western Highway St Marys 2760 02 9265 1656
St Matthew's Anglican Church 12 Miller Street Gundy 2337 0400 186 274
St Matthews Anglican Church Cemetery (The Oaks) 110 Old Oaks Road The Oaks 2570 02 9265 1656
St Matthew's Anglican Church Cemetery (Windsor) 5 Moses Street Windsor 2756 02 9265 1656
St Matthew's Anglican Church Columbarium 7 -9 Bent Street Wingham 2429 02 6553 4043
St Matthew's Brushgrove Cemetery Retreat Road Balala 2358 02 6772 4491
St Matthew's Cemetery 22 Chapel Lane Jamberoo 2533 02 4232 2081
St Matthews Cemetery Coolabah 2460 Arthur Hall VC Way Coolabah 2831 02 6331 1722
St Matthew's Church & Cemetery 290 Mt Dangar Road Baerami 2333 02 6547 1149
St Matthews Columbarium & Memorial Garden Tyson Street South Grafton 2460 02 6643 1313
St Matthews Woodstock Columbarium 10 - 12 Rankin Street Woodstock 2793 02 6331 1722
St Matthias' Church & Columbarium 35 Palace Street Denman 2328 02 6547 1149
St Michael & All Angels Columbarium 33 Foamcrest Avenue Newport 2106 02 9265 1656
St Michael's Anglican Church Cemetery 121 Princes Highway Corrimal 2518 02 9265 1656
St Michael's Cathedral 10 Church Street Wagga Wagga 2650 02 6937 0003
St Monica's Catholic Church 1A Bourke Street Richmond 2753 02 4578 1410
St Nicholas of Myra Church 326 High Street Penrith 2750 02 4721 2509
St Patrick & St Brigid Catholic Church Cemetery 6 Martinsville Road Cooranbong 2265 02 4973 6859
St Patrick's Catholic Cemetery C/- 55 New England Highway Lochinvar 2321 02 4933 8918
St Patrick's Church Swansea 219 Northcote Avenue Swansea 2281 02 4945 4402
St Patrick's College Cemetery 147 Addison Street Goulburn 2580 02 6239 9800
St Patrick's Memorial Wall 54 Victoria Street East Gosford 2250 02 4325 1042
St Patrick's Roman Catholic Cemetery 1 Pennant Hills Road North Parramatta 2151 1300 617 058
St Paul's Anglican Cemetery & Columbarium 17 - 31 Church Street Canterbury 2193 02 9265 1656
St Paul's Anglican Cemetery (Carlingford) 233 Marsden Road Carlingford 2118 02 9265 1656
St Pauls Anglican Cemetery (Kincumber) 172 Avoca Drive Kincumber 2251 02 4926 3733
St Paul's Anglican Cemetery Cobbitty 330 Cobbitty Road Cobbitty 2570 02 9265 1656
St Paul's Anglican Church (Burwood) 205 -207 Burwood Road Burwood 2134 02 9265 1656
St Paul's Anglican Church (Kurri Kurri) 118 Lang Street Kurri Kurri 2327 02 4926 3733
St Pauls Anglican Church Cemetery (Castle Hill) 245 Old Northern Road Castle Hill 2154 02 9265 1656
St Paul's Anglican Church Cemetery (Paterson) 21 Duke Street Paterson 2421 02 4926 3733
St Pauls Anglican Church Memorial Garden 31 Fernleigh Road Turvey Park 2650 02 6245 7101
St Paul's Carcoar Community Facility Limited 15 - 17 Belubula Street Carcoar 2791 0427 673 021
St Paul's Catholic Church Cemetery 251 Tongarra Road Albion Park 2527 02 4256 2038
St Paul's Church & Memorial Garden 2A Beresford Street Beresfield 2322 02 4966 4450
St Paul's Church Memorial Wall 50 Lampe Street Talbingo 2720 1300 275 782
St Paul's Glendon Brook Cemetery 872 Glendonbrook Road Glendon Brook 2330 02 5507 4048
St Paul's Wentworthville Columbarium 16 Pritchard Street Wentworthville 2145 02 9265 1656
St Paul's West Tamworth 18 Church Street West Tamworth 2340 02 6772 4491
St Peter's Anglican Church - Columbarium Wall 24 Church Street Leeton 2705 0490 542 922
St Peters Anglican Church Cemetery & Columbarium 920 Chincester Dam Road Bendolba 2420 02 4926 3733
St Peter's Anglican Church Cemetery (Campbelltown) Cnr Broughton & Howe Streets Campbelltown 2560 02 9265 1656
St Peters Anglican Church Cemetery (Richmond) 347 - 349 Windsor Street Richmond 2753 02 9265 1656
St Peter's Anglican Church Memorial Garden 29 Waters Road Cremorne 2090 02 9265 1656
St Peter's Anglican Church, Garden of Remembrance Columbarium 331 Old South Head Road Watsons Bay 2030 02 9265 1656
St Peters Anglican Graveyard 187 Princes Highway St Peters 2044 02 9265 1656
St Peter's Cathedral Armidale 122 Rusden Street Armidale 2350 02 6772 4491
St Peter's Catholic Church Cemetery Burrawang 45 Church Street Burrawang 2577 02 4868 1931
St Peters Greengrove Cemetery Mangrove Creek Road Greengrove 2250 02 4350 5108
St Peter's Hamilton Memorial Garden 148 Denison Street Hamilton 2303 02 4929 2052
St Peter's Memorial Garden 28 Josephson Street Swansea 2281 02 4945 9993
St Philip's Anglican Church Memorial Garden 19 - 23 Butmaroo Street Bungendore 2621 02 6245 7101
St Philips March Cemetery & Columbarium 768 Burrendong Way March 2800 02 6331 1722
St Phillips Anglican Church Cemetery 151 Bells Line of Road North Richmond 2754 02 9265 1656
St Phillips Church of England Cemetery Wagonga Scenic Drive Narooma 2546
St Phillip's Memorial Garden 7 Wentworth Street Georgetown 2298 02 4926 3733
St Sava New Kalenic Monastery Cemetery 453 Wallaroo Road Wallaroo 2618
St Saviours Anglican Church Cemetery 1353 Canterbury Road Punchbowl 2196 02 9265 1656
St Saviour's Cathedral Parish Memorial Garden Bourke Street Goulburn 2580 02 6245 7101
St Simon and St Jude's Anglican Church Cemetery 38 Bendooley Street Bowral 2576 02 9265 1656
St Stephen the Martyr Anglican Cemetery Fulton Lane Penrith 2750 02 4732 8031
St Stephen's Anglican Church Cemetery (Breeza) Edward Street Breeza 2381 02 6772 4491
St Stephen's Anglican Church Cemetery (Fitzgeralds Valley) 281 Fitzgeralds Valley Road Fitzgeralds Valley 2795 02 6331 1722
St Stephen's Anglican Church Cemetery (Kurrajong) 1005 Grose Vale Road Kurrajong 2758 02 9265 1656
St Stephens Memorial Garden 187 - 189 Church Street Newtown 2042 02 9265 1656
St Stephen's Penrith Columbarium 258 - 280 High Street Penrith 2750 02 9265 1656
St Stephen's Presbyterian Cemetery 2 Allowrie Street Jamberoo 2533 02 4236 1748
St Stephen's Wayo - Pejar Anglican Church Cemetery St Stephens Road Wayo 2580 02 6245 7101
St Thomas' Anglican Cemetery 60A Coronation Parade Enfield 2136 02 9265 1656
St Thomas Anglican Cemetery Bevendale Rugby Road Bevendale 2581
St Thomas' Anglican Church Cemetery (Mulgoa) 43 - 45 St Thomas Road Mulgoa 2745 02 4733 1635
St Thomas Anglican Church Cemetery (O'Connell) 3860 Beaconsfield Road O'Connell 2795 02 6331 1722
St Thomas Anglican Church Cemetery (Upper Mangrove) Ten Mile Hollow Road Upper Mangrove 2250 02 4350 5108
St Thomas' Anglican Church High Range Cemetery 1321 Wombeyan Caves Road High Range 2575 02 9265 1656
St Thomas Anglican Church Memorial Garden 3 - 7 Thomas Street Cardiff 2285 02 4926 3733
St Thomas's Cemetery 748 Glen William Road Glen William 2321 02 4926 3733
Stangrove Cemetery Grabben Gullen Road Gunning 2581 02 4830 1000
Stannum Cemetery Via Torrington Road Stannum 2371 02 6890 1100
Stasis Systems Australia Ltd t/a Southern Cryonics Lot 11, 3 Enterprise Drive Holbrook 2644 0450 653 827
Stewarts Brook Cemetery 1879 Stewarts Brook Road Stewarts Brook 2337 02 6540 1100
Stockinbingal Cemetery off Grogan Road Stockinbingal 2725 1300 459 689
Stockton Cemetery 344 Fullerton Street Stockton 2295 02 4974 2000
Stonequarry Cemetery Golspie Road Stonequarry 2580 02 4830 1000
Stratford Cemetery Bowens Road Stratford 2422 02 7955 7016
Stroud Cemetery Nairn Street Stroud 2425 02 7955 7016
Stuart Town Cemetery 49 Wallaroi Road Stuart Town 2820 02 6801 4000
Summer Hill Catholic Cemetery 504 Summer Hill Road Vacy 2421 02 4992 1477
Sunny Corner General Cemetery Dark Corner Road Sunny Corner 2795 02 6333 6111
Sunnyside Cemetery Armidale Road Nymboida 2460 02 6643 0200
Sutton Forest Catholic Cemetery 7461 Illawarra Highway Sutton Forest 2577 02 4868 1931
Sylvania Niche Wall 56 - 60 Princes Highway Sylvania 2224 02 8267 4300
Tabulam Cemetery 213 Racecourse Road Tabulam 2469 02 6632 1611
Talbragar Cemetery 14 Black Stump Way Leadville 2844 02 6849 2000
Tallimba Memorial Cemetery Ariah Park Road Tallimba 2669 02 6972 2266
Tallong Cemetery Long Point Road Tallong 2579 02 4823 4444
Taltingan Cemetery Barrier Highway Broken Hill 2880 1300 886 235
Tambar Springs Cemetery O'Rourke Street Tambar Springs 2381 02 6740 2100
Tambaroora Cemetery Hill End Road Tambaroora 2850 02 6333 6111
Tamworth Cemetery Showground Road Taminda 2340 02 6767 5555
Tannabutta Cemetery 1577 Castlereagh Highway Cudgegong 2850 02 6378 2850
Tarago Cemetery Lime Street Tarago 2580 02 4823 4444
Tarcutta Anglican Cemetery Gresham Street Tarcutta 2652 02 6926 9100
Tarcutta General Cemetery Gresham Street Tarcutta 2652 02 6926 9100
Tarcutta Graves (31 Myrtle Street, Tarcutta) 31 Myrtle Street Tarcutta 2650 02 6926 9100
Tarcutta Graves (Myrtle Street, Tarcutta) Myrtle Street Tarcutta 2650 02 6926 9100
Tarean Cemetery Tarean Road Karuah 2324 02 4988 0255
Taree Presbyterian Church Columbrium 76 Albert Street Taree 2430 02 9690 9333
Tarraganda Cemetery Corridgeree Road Tarraganda 2583 02 6245 7101
Tarro Cemetery 2 Quarter Sessions Road Tarro 2322 02 4974 2000
Tatham Cemetery 72 Smiths Road Tatham 2471 02 6660 0300
Tea Gardens Cemetery Yalinbah Street Tea Gardens 2324 02 7955 7016
Telegraph Point Cemetery Farrawells Road Telegraph Point 2441 02 6581 8111
Temora Lawn Cemetery & Columbarium Thom Street Temora 2666 02 6890 1100
Temora New Monumental Cemetery Thom Street Temora 2666 02 6890 1100
Temora Old Monumental Cemetery Thom Street Temora 2666 02 6890 1100
Tenterfield Cemetery Cnr Mt Mackenzie Road & Western Street Tenterfield 2372 02 6890 1100
Terranora Cemetery Philp Parade Tweed Heads South 2486 02 6670 2400
Terry Hie Hie Cemetery Terry Hie Hie Road Terry Hie Hie 2400 02 6757 3222
Terry Hie Hie Old Cemetery Terry Hie Hie Road Terry Hie Hie 2400 02 6757 3222
Thackaringa Cemetery off Barrier Highway Broken Hill 2880 1300 886 235
The Bight Cemetery 145 Tinonee Road The Bight 2430 02 7955 7016
The Crypt, St John the Baptist Parish 8 Cathedral Place Maitland 2320 02 4931 1205
The Forest Cemetery 1038 Middle Arm Road Middle Arm 2580 0427 780 553
The Garden Cemetery 41 Greendale Road Bringelly 2556 02 9648 6663
The Rock Cemetery Milne Road The Rock 2655 02 6920 5305
The Tabulam Historical Cemetery Off Charles Street Tabulam 2469 02 6632 1611
The Upper Tooloom Cemetery Off Paddys Flats Road Paddys Flats 2469 02 6632 1611
Third Quarantine Station Cemetery North Head Scenic Drive Manly 2095 02 8969 2100
Thirlmere Cemetery 90 Station Street Thirlmere 2572 02 4677 1100
Thorley & Sons Funeral Services (Sapphire City Cemetery) 2 Delvyn Drive Inverell 2360 02 6722 2566
Thurlow Methodist Church Cemetery 910 - 912 Range Road Baw Baw 2580 02 8267 4300
Tibooburra Cemetery Silver City Highway Tibooburra 2880 08 8091 3816
Tilba District Cemetery Haxstead Road Central Tilba 2546 02 4474 1000
Tilba Methodist Cemetery 32 Corkhill Drive Central Tilba 2546
Tilba Tilba Holy Trinity Anglican Church Cemetery 242 Corkhill Drive Tilba Tilba 2546 02 6245 7101
Timbarra Cemetery Sandy Creek Road Timbarra 2372 02 6890 1100
Tinda Tank Cemetery off Henry Parkes Way Condobolin 2831 02 6895 1900
Tingha Cemetery 21 Garnet Street Tingha 2369 02 6728 8288
Tinonee Cemetery 6451 The Bucketts Way Tinonee 2430 02 7955 7016
Tintenbar Cemetery Hill Street Tintenbar 2478 02 6686 1411
Tocumwal Cemetery 25 - 33 Barooga Road Tocumwal 2714 03 5888 5100
Tombong Cemetery Tombong Road Tombong 2633 1300 345 345
Tomerong Cemetery Pine Forest Road Tomerong 2540 1300 293 111
Tomingley Pioneer Cemetery Tomingley Cemetery Road Tomingley 2869 02 6889 9999
Toms Gully Cemetery 169 Toms Gully Road Hickeys Creek 2440 02 6566 3200
Toogong Cemetery Toogong Road Toogong 2864 02 6392 3200
Tooleybuc Cemetery Lea Street Tooleybuc 2736 1300 087 004
Tooraweenah Cemetery John Renshaw Parkway Tooraweenah 2831 02 6817 8800
Toragy Point Cemetery Loop Road Moruya 2537 02 4476 0800
Toronto Cemetery 354 Awaba Road Toronto 2283 02 4921 0333
Torrington Cemetery Torrington Road Torrington 2371 02 6890 1100
Tottenham Cemetery Umang Street Tottenham 2873 02 6895 1900
Toukley Memorial Cenotaph 267 -269 Main Road Toukley 2263 02 43964642
Towamba Cemetery Ben Beasley Road Towamba 2550 02 6499 2222
Towrang Stockade Cemetery Hume Highway Towrang 2580 02 4821 3999
Trangie Cemetery 175 Trangie Cemetery Road Trangie 2823 02 6889 9999
Trewilga Cemetery Furners Lane Trewilga 2869 02 6861 2333
Trundle Cemetery Condobolin-Trundle Road Trundle 2875 02 6861 2333
Trungley Hall Cemetery Trungley Hall Road Trungley Hall 2666 02 6890 1100
Trunkey Creek Cemetery Trunkey Cemetery Road Trunkey Creek 2795 02 6333 6111
Tubba-Gah Aboriginal Burial Ground 37L Burraway Road Dubbo 2830 02 6801 4000
Tucabia Cemetery Collett Street Tucabia 2462 02 6643 0200
Tucki Tucki Cemetery 1305 Wyrallah Road Wyrallah 2480 1300 878 387
Tuena Cemetery Tuena Cemetery Road Tuena 2583 02 4830 1000
Tullamore Cemetery Alagala Road Tullamore 2874 02 6861 2333
Tullibigeal Cemetery Merribogie Road Tullibigeal 2669 02 6895 1900
Tumbarumba Cemetery 50 Cemetery Road Tumbarumba 2653 1300 275 782
Tumblong Cemetery Adelong Road Tumblong 2729 1300 459 689
Tumbulgum Historic Cemetery Dulguigan Road North Tumbulgum 2490 02 6670 2400
Tumut Cemetery Capper Street Tumut 2720 1300 275 782
Tumut Pioneer Cemetery Snowy Mountains Highway Tumut 2720 1300 275 782
Tuncurry Cemetery The Lakes Way Tuncurry 2428 02 7955 7016
Turee Vale Cemetery Turee Vale Road Coolah 2843 02 6849 2000
Turondale Cemetery Turondale Road Turondale 2795 02 6333 6111
Tweed Heads Central Cemetery Florence Street Tweed Heads 2485 02 6670 2400
Tweed Heads Lawn Cemetery 176 Kirkwood Road Tweed Heads South 2486 02 6670 2400
Tweed Heads Memorial Gardens 176 Kirkwood Road Tweed Heads 2486 02 9814 3402
Tweed Valley Crematorium & Memorial Gardens 813 - 871 Eviron Road Eviron 2484 02 6670 2400
Tyaglum General Cemetery Swifts Road Tyalgum 2484 02 6670 2400
Uarbry Cemetery Cross Street Uarbry 2329 02 6849 2000
Ulan Cemetery 97 Main Street Ulan 2850 02 6378 2850
Ulladulla Cemetery Princes Highway Ulladulla 2539 1300 293 111
Ulmarra Cemetery Coldstream Road Ulmarra 2462 02 6643 0200
Ungarie Memorial Cemetery Crown Camp Road Ungarie 2669 02 6972 2266
Uniting Church Redbank Cemetery 813 Thirlmere Way Picton 2571 02 8267 4300
Uniting Church Wattle Flat Graveyard 3808 Sofala Road Wattle Flat 2795 421576302
Upper Castlereagh Methodist Cemetery 297 - 305 Old Castlereagh Road Castlereagh 2749 02 4729 0012
Upper Chichester Cemetery 1059 Chichester Road Chichester 2420 02 49921839
Upper Dartbrook Cemetery Sparkes Creek Road Upper Dartbrook 2337 02 6540 1100
Uralla Cemetery Kingstown Road Uralla 2358 02 6778 6300
Uralla Pioneer Cemetery John Street Uralla 2358 02 6778 6300
Urana Monumental Cemetery Lake Road Urana 2645 02 6033 8999
Uranquinty Cemetery Lugsdin Road Uranquinty 2652 02 6926 9100
Urbenville Cemetery Bonds Road Urbenville 2475 02 6890 1100
Urunga Cemetery Hungry Head Road Urunga 2455 02 6655 7300
Urunga General Cemetery 110 Hungry Head Road Urunga 2455 02 6655 7300
Veteran Hall 63 Henderson Road Saratoga 2251 02 4350 5108
Village Church Annandale 120 - 122 Johnston Street Annandale 2038 02 9265 1656
Wagga Wagga Lawn Cemetery & Crematorium Brunskill Road Wagga Wagga 2650 02 6926 9100
Wagga Wagga Monumental Cemetery Kooringal Road Wagga Wagga 2650 02 6926 9100
Wagonga Cemetery Wagonga Scenic Drive Narooma 2546 02 4474 1000
Wagra Cemetery Wymah Road Wymah 2640 02 6036 0100
Walawaani Way Conservation Burial 360 Gannons Point Road Bodalla 2545 0402 892 759
Walbundrie Cemetery Urana Road Walbundrie 2642 02 6036 0100
Walcha General Cemetery 167 - 179 Darjeeling Road Walcha 2354 02 6774 2500
Walcha Roman Catholic Cemetery 219 Oxley Drive Walcha 2354 02 6774 2500
Walgett Cemetery 2 Bate Street Walgett 2832 02 6828 6100
Walhallow Cemetery (Walhallow Road, Caroona) 69 Walhallow Road Caroona 2343 0427 520 680
Walhallow Cemetery (Waverley Road, Caroona) 922 Waverley Road Caroona 2343 02 6746 1755
Walla Walla Cemetery 33 Walla Cemetery Road Walla Walla 2659 02 6036 0100
Wallabadah Cemetery 1 Elizabeth Street Wallabadah 2343 02 6746 1755
Wallaga Lake Aboriginal Cemetery Cemetery Point Road Akolele 2546 02 4473 7288
Wallangra Cemetery Yetman Road Wallangra 2360 02 6728 8288
Wallendbeen Cemetery North Jindalee Road Wallendbeen 2588 1300 459 689
Wallerawong Cemetery Pipers Flat Road Wallerawang 2845 02 6354 9999
Walli Cemetery Belubula Way Mandurama 2792 02 6340 2054
Wallsend Cemetery 164 Sandgate Road Birmingham Gardens 2287 02 4974 2000
Walter Lawry Methodist Memorial Cemetery 2 Buller Street North Parramatta 2151 1300 617 058
Wamberal Cemetery 830 The Entrance Road Wamberal 2260 0411 915 277
Wanaaring Aboriginal Burial Ground Bourke-Milparinka Road Wanaaring 2840 02 6830 8000
Wanaaring Cemetery 71 Gloucester St Wanaaring 2840 02 6830 8000
Wandsworth Cemetery Wandsworth Road Wandsworth 2365 1300 136 833
Wanganella Pioneer Cemetery Cobb Highway Wanganella 2710 03 5898 3000
Wantabadgery Cemetery McDonalds Lane Wantabadgery 2650 02 6924 8100
Warangesda Aboriginal Mission Gravesite Sturt Highway Darlington Point 2706 03 5886 1200
Wardell Cemetery Pine Street Wardell 2477 02 6686 1411
Warden Family Cemetery Croobyar Road Croobyar 2539 1300 293 111
Wards River Cemetery Burtons Road Wards River 2422 02 7955 7016
Warialda Cemetery Mosquito Creek Road Warialda 2402 02 6724 2000
Warialda Pioneer Cemetery 41-57 Queen Street Warialda 2402 02 6724 2000
Warkworth Cemetery Jerrys Plains Road Warkworth 2330 02 6578 7290
Warren General Cemetery Industrial Access Road Warren 2824 02 6847 6600
Waterfall Cemetery Princes Highway Helensburgh 2508 02 4227 7111
Watsons Creek Cemetery 20 Millers Road Watsons Creek 2355 02 6767 5555
Watsons Creek Graves off Roseneath Road Watsons Creek 2355 02 6767 5555
Wattle Flat Cemetery Sofala Road Wattle Flat 2795 02 6333 6111
Wattle Flat Church of England Cemetery 3853 Sofala Road Wattle Flat 2795 02 6331 1722
Wattle Flat General Cemetery Limekilns Road Wattle Flat 2795 02 6333 6111
Wauchope Cemetery Oxley Highway Wauchope 2446 02 6581 8111
Waverley Cemetery St Thomas Street Bronte 2024 02 9083 8899
Wee Waa Cemetery 3134 Culgoora Road Wee Waa 2388 02 6799 6866
Weethalle Memorial Cemetery Kolkilbertoo Road Weethalle 2669 02 6972 2266
Welaregang Cemetery River Road Welaregang 2642 1300 275 782
Welby General Cemetery 50 Meranie Road Welby 2575 02 4868 0887
Wellingrove Cemetery 927 Polhill Road Wellingrove 2370 02 6730 2300
Wellington Lawn & Monumental Cemetery 11 & 21 Old Sydney Road Apsley 2820 02 6801 4000
Wellington Pioneer Cemetery 9700 & 9680 Mitchell Highway Wellington 2820 02 6801 4000
Wentworth Cemetery Cadell Street Wentworth 2648 03 5027 5027
Wentworth Falls Cemetery 278 - 312 Great Western Highway Wentworth Falls 2782 02 4780 5000
Werris Creek Cemetery 21 Memorial Drive Werris Creek 2341 02 6746 1755
West Cambewarra Cemetery 14 Bangalee Road Tapitallee 2540 1300 293 111
West Dapto Catholic Cemetery 231 West Dapto Road Stream Hill 2526 02 4261 1315
West Kempsey Cemetery Cnr River, Broughton, Tozer Streets West Kempsey 2440 02 6566 3200
West Wallsend Cemetery 6 & 14 Cemetery Road West Wallsend 2290 02 4921 0333
Western Districts Memorial Park 11L Boothenba Road Dubbo 2830 02 4362 1203
Wheeo Cemetery Wheeo Road Wheeo 2583 02 4830 1000
Wheeo Uniting Church Cemetery Boorowa Road Wheeo 2583 02 8267 4300
White Cliffs Cemetery Mandalay Road White Cliffs 2836 08 8083 8900
White Cliffs Historic Cemetery Mandalay Road White Cliffs 2836 08 8083 8900
White Rock Cemetery 567 White Rock Road White Rock 2795 02 8267 4300
White Swamp Cemetery 1734 White Swamp Road Koreelah 2476 02 6890 1100
Whitebridge Cemetery 132A Dudley Road Whitebridge 2290 02 4921 0333
Whittingham Cemetery Cemetery Lane Whittingham 2330 02 6571 1414
Whitton Cemetery Wilga Road Whitton 2705 02 6953 0911
Wiangaree Cemetery Summerland Way Wiangaree 2474 02 6632 1611
Wilberforce Cemetery 49 Clergy Road Wilberforce 2756 02 4560 4444
Wilcannia Cemetery Menindee Road Wilcannia 2836 08 8083 8900
Willow Point Heritage Cemetery Willow Point Road Failford 2430 02 7955 7016
Willow Tree Catholic Cemetery 12 Borambil Creek Road Willow Tree 2339 02 6746 1755
Willow Tree General Cemetery 42 Merriwa Road Willow Tree 2339 02 6746 1755
Willsons Downfall Cemetery Mount Lindesay Road Willsons Downfall 2372 02 6890 1100
Wilton Cemetery Broughton Street Wilton 2571 02 4677 1100
Windale Anglican Memorial Garden 2 Talinga Close Windale 2306 02 4945 9993
Windellama Catholic Cemetery 3173 Oallen Ford Road Windellama 2580 02 6239 9800
Windeyer Cemetery 18 Wilson Road Windeyer 2850 02 6378 2850
Windeyer Graves 1740 Windeyer Road Windeyer 2850 02 6378 2850
Windsor Catholic Cemetery 380 & 382 George Street Windsor 2756 02 4560 4444
Wingello Cemetery Camden Street Wingello 2579 02 4868 0887
Wingen Cemetery 74 Petwyn Vale Road Wingen 2337 02 6540 1100
Wingham Cemetery 71 Glenyarra Road Wingham 2429 02 7955 7016
Wingham Presbyterian Church Columbarium 32 Moon Street Wingham 2429 02 9690 9333
Winton Cemetery New Winton Road Winton 2344 02 6767 5555
Wirega Cemetery Gerrybang Road Grenfell 2810 02 6343 1212
Wiseman's Ferry Cemetery Singleton Road Wiseman's Ferry 2775 02 9847 6666
Wollar Cemetery 24 Munghorn Street Wollar 2850 02 6378 2850
Wollombi Cemetery Mailtand Road Wollombi 2325 02 4993 4100
Wollongong General Cemetery Cnr Swan & Kenny Streets Wollongong 2500 02 4227 7111
Wollongong Memorial Gardens 176 Berkeley Road Unanderra 2526 02 4227 7111
Wolumla Cemetery Old Soldiers Road Wolumla 2550 02 6499 2222
Wombat Cemetery Bibaringa Road Wombat 2587 1300 445586
Womboota Cemetery School Road Womboota 2731 1300 087 004
Wonboyn Lake Cemetery Wonboyn Road Wonboyn 2551 02 6499 2222
Wongarbon Cemetery 29R Veechs Road Wongarbon 2831 02 6801 4000
Wongwibinda Cemetery 2574A Guyra Road Wongwibinda 2350 1300 136 833
Woodburn Cemetery Short Street Woodburn 2472 02 6660 0300
Woodenbong Cemetery 95 Hill View Drive Woodenbong 2476 02 6632 1611
Woodhill Cemetery Wattamolla Road Woodhill 2535 1300 293 111
Woodsreef Cemetery Old Bundarra Road Woodsreef 2347 02 6767 5555
Woodstock Cemetery Myalla Road Woodstock 2793 02 6340 2054
Woola Cemetery Woola Road Taree 2430 02 7955 7016
Woolbrook Cemetery 119 Campfire Road Woolbrook 2354 02 6774 2500
Woolgoolga Lawn Cemetery Centenary Drive Woolgoolga 2456 02 6648 4000
Woolgoolga Monumental Cemetery Centenary Drive Woolgoolga 2456 02 6648 4000
Woolomin Cemetery Woolomin Gap Road Woolomin 2340 02 6767 5555
Woomargama Cemetery Hume Highway Woomargama 2644 02 6036 0100
Woronora General Cemetery & Crematorium 121 Linden Street Sutherland 2232 1300 389 888
Wyalong Memorial Cemetery 197 Clear Ridge Road West Wyalong 2671 02 6972 2266
Wyan Cemetery 1503 Wyan Road Wyan 2469 02 6660 0300
Wyangala Cemetery Elliots Lookout Road Wyangla 2808 02 6340 2054
Wybong Cemetery 102 Yarraman Road Wybong 2333 02 6549 3700
Wyee Cemetery 14 Cemetery Road Wyee 2259 02 4921 0333
Wyndham Cemetery Umback Road Wyndham 2550 02 6499 2222
Wyrallah Cemetery 1047 Wyrallah Road Wyrallah 2480 1300 878 387
Yalwal Cemetery Yalwal Road Yalwal 2540 1300 293 111
Yantabulla Cemetery (Dowling Track, Yantabulla) Dowling Track Yantabulla 2840 02 6830 8000
Yantabulla Cemetery (Willara Road, Yantabulla) Willara Road Yantabulla 2840 02 6830 8000
Yarrabandai Cemetery Henry Parkes Way Yarrabandai 2875 02 6861 2333
Yarramalong Cemetery 1474 Yarramalong Road Yarramalong 2259 02 4350 5108
Yarraman Cemetery (4710 Bundella Road, Blackville) 4710 Bundella Road Blackville 2343 02 6746 1755
Yarraman Cemetery (Bundella Road, Blackville) Bundella Road Blackville 2343 02 6746 1755
Yass Lawn Cemetery 1170 Irvine Drive Yass 2582 02 6226 1477
Yass Old Cemetery Irvine Drive Yass 2582 02 6226 1477
Yass Uniting Parish 1316 Yass River Road Yass 2582
Yatte Yattah Cemetery Princes Highway Yatte Yattah 2539 1300 293 111
Yenda Cemetery Cemetery Road Yenda 2681 02 6962 8100
Yeoval Cemetery 63 Tremain Drive North Yeoval 2868 02 6801 4000
Yerong Creek Cemetery 8 Mittagong / Yerong Creek Road Yerong Creek 2642 02 6920 5305
Yerranderie Cemetery Dobson Street Yerranderie 2787 02 4677 1100
Yetholme Anglican Cemetery (40 Porters Lane, Yetholme) 40 Porters Lane Yetholme 2795 02 6333 6111
Yetholme Anglican Cemetery (Porters Lane, Yetholme) Porters Lane Yetholme 2795 02 6331 1722
Yetman Cemetery Bruxner Way Yetman 2410 02 6728 8288
Young Lawn Cemetery Thornhill Street Young 2594 1300 445586
Young Monumental Cemetery 9 Cunich Street Young 2594 1300 445586
Showing all data for Crematorium's
CrematoriumAddress TelephoneDetails
Australian Cremation Services 12 Maxim Place St Marys 2760 0428 737 687
Avondale Crematorium Albury 857 Ramsden Drive Albury 2640 02 6050 2402
Avondale Crematorium Alstonville 9 Russelton Drive Alstonville 2477 02 6050 2402
Barbara King Funeral Director Funeral Chapel and Crematorium 100 Gimberts Road Morisset 2264 02 4973 1513
Bathurst Cemetery & Crematorium 1 Mitchell Highway Bathurst 2795 02 6241 3177
Broken Hill Crematorium Pro Hart Way Broken Hill 2880 0411 039 391
Broulee Memorial Gardens & Crematorium 195 Broulee Road Broulee 2537 02 9814 3402
Buronga Crematorium 6 Modica Crescent Buronga 2739 03 5023 1234
Canobolas Gardens Crematorium 220 Lone Pine Avenue Orange 2800 02 6362 7413
Carter Family Crematorium 3 Enterprise Drive Gilgandra 2827 02 6882 3199
Castlebrook Memorial Park 712 Windsor Road Rouse Hill 2155 02 9814 3402
Central West Crematorium 32 Boyd Circuit Parkes 2870 02 6862 2233
Chain O Ponds Memorial Park 316 Chain O Ponds Road Collombatti 2440 02 6562 3160
Clavering Park Memorial Gardens & Crematorium 428 Candelo-Wolumla Road Wolumla 2550 02 6492 4111
Coffs Harbour Crematorium & Memorial Gardens 956A Coramba Road Karangi 2450 02 6651 5007
Coomealla Memorial Gardens Crematorium 1478 Silver City Highway Coomealla 2717 03 5023 1234
Copland Street Crematorium 76 Copland Street Wagga Wagga 2650 02 6921 4913
Craig's Hill Crematorium 63 Middle Arm Road Goulburn 2580 02 4821 2122
Daniel Woods Funeral Care 14 Lawson Street East Wagga 2650 02 6921 8218
Dubbo City Crematorium 1 Moffatt Drive Dubbo 2830 02 6881 8988
Eastern Suburbs Memorial Park (Botany Cemetery) 12 Military Road Matraville 2036 1300 389 888
Forest Lawn Memorial Park 1500 - 1600 Camden Valley Way Leppington 2171 02 9814 3402
Forster Tuncurry Crematorium 5 Rodmay Street Tuncurry 2428 02 6554 5433
Glenmorus Memorial Gardens & Crematorium 54 Glenmorus Street North Albury 2640 02 6023 8111
Golden Rivers Crematorium 57 Parkman Avenue Barham 2732 03 4452 1111
Hogbin Drive Crematorium & Memorial Gardens Stadium Drive Coffs Harbour 2450 02 6652 2822
Hunter Crematorium 7 Murray Dwyer Circuit Mayfield West 2304 02 4951 1166
Innes Gardens Memorial Park 21 Philip Charley Drive Port Macquarie 2444 02 9888 2203
Lake Macquarie Memorial Park 405 Cessnock Road Ryhope 2283 02 9814 3402
Lake Mulwala Crematorium 15 Adi Avenue Mulwala 2647 02 6921 4913
Lakeside Memorial Park 50 Kanahooka Road Kanahooka 2530 02 9814 3402
Leura Memorial Gardens Crematorium 1 - 17 Kitchener Road Leura 2780 02 4784 3111
Lightfoot & Co Gunnedah 111 - 127 Wandobah Road Gunnedah 2380 02 6760 7311
Lincoln Grove Memorial Gardens & Crematorium 1040 Gunnedah Road Tamworth 2340 02 6760 7311
Lismore Memorial Gardens 651 Skyline Road Goonellabah 2480 1300 878 387
Macarthur Grange Crematorium 6 /186 Hartley Road Smeaton Grange 2567 0411 915 277
Mackay Family Crematorium 249 Pacific Highway West Ourimbah 2258 02 4362 2733
Macquarie Park Cemetery & Crematorium Cnr Delhi & Plassey Roads Macquarie Park 2113 1300 389 888
Manning Great Lakes Memorial Gardens 183 Pampoolah Road Taree 2430 02 6550 0755
Melaleuca Station Memorial Gardens 9394 Tweed Valley Way Chinderah 2487 02 6674 3777
Melaleuca Station Memorial Gardens 9394 Tweed Valley Way Chinderah 2487 02 6674 3777
Michael Hanley's Family Funeral Home 27 Prince Street Forbes 2871 02 6852 1961
Milton Ulladulla Cremation Services U 157 Princes Highway Ulladulla 2539 0409 540 736
Moama Aquamation Centre 5 Bowlan Street Moama 2731 0438 318 802
Morningside Crematorium 2/22 Annette Crescent Lavington 2641 02 9814 3402
Mountain View Crematorium 21 Waverley Drive Unanderra 2526 02 4249 2221
Murray Valley Cremations 2A Bremner Court Moama 2731 03 5480 0825
Newcastle Memorial Park 3/173 Anderson Drive Beresfield 2322 02 9814 3402
Northern Suburbs Memorial Park 197-199 Delhi Road North Ryde 2113 02 9814 3402
Palmdale Lawn Cemetery & Memorial Park 57 Palmdale Road Palmdale 2258 02 4362 1203
Piddingtons Funeral Home & Crematorium 122 Uralla Road Armidale 2350 02 6772 2288
Pinegrove Memorial Park Kington Street Minchinbury 2766 02 9814 3402
Port Macquarie Crematorium 1/32 Acacia Avenue Port Macquarie 2444 02 9814 3402
Port Stephens Cremations 22 George Road Salamander Bay 2317 02 4058 1960
Riverview Crematorium 441 Chastworth Island Road Chatsworth Island 2469 02 6642 4406
Rookwood Memorial Gardens Memorial Avenue Rookwood 2135 02 9814 3402
Shoalhaven Memorial Gardens & Lawn Cemetery 349 Worrigee Road Worrigee 2541 1300 293 111
St Patrick's of Nulkaba Pty Ltd 2A Kerlew Street Nulkaba 2325 02 4369 2013
Sydney Crematorium 230 - 260 Western Road Kemps Creek 2178 02 8713 5700
Sydney Farewells Pty Ltd 12 / 260 Captain Cook Drive Kurnell 2036 02 9545 3477
Thorley & Sons Funeral Services (Sapphire City Crematorium) 2 Delvyn Drive Inverell 2360 02 6722 2566
Tweed Heads Memorial Gardens 176 Kirkwood Road Tweed Heads 2486 02 9814 3402
Tweed Valley Crematorium & Memorial Gardens 813 - 871 Eviron Road Eviron 2484 02 6670 2400
Wagga Wagga Lawn Cemetery & Crematorium Brunskill Road Wagga Wagga 2650 02 6926 9100
Western Districts Memorial Park 11L Boothenba Road Dubbo 2830 02 4362 1203
Western Sydney Crematorium Barnet Avenue Rookwood 2141 02 8713 5700
Woronora General Cemetery & Crematorium 121 Linden Street Sutherland 2232 1300 389 888