A NSW Government website

Our strategic plan

Cemeteries & Crematoria NSW’s second strategic plan will build on our achievements to date and fulfil our agency’s potential as a strong and capable regulator of the industry.

The plan sets our agenda for the next 3 years. We have grouped our goals into 3 themes.

What success will mean

Sector performance

  • Operators run and maintain cemeteries and crematoria in keeping with legislation and regulation, giving the community confidence in the sector.
  • Operators manage cemeteries and crematoria in NSW in a transparent and accountable way.

Consumer support

  • People have access to clearly defined and affordable cemetery and crematorium services.
  • Operators run and maintain cemeteries and crematoria in keeping with legislation and regulation, giving the community confidence in the sector.

Information and strategic advice

  • Operators give religious and cultural groups options that address their needs.
  • There is enough land to meet future interment demand.
  • Operators use and run existing cemeteries and crematoria sustainably.
  • Operators manage cemeteries to get the greatest environmental, heritage and open space benefit for the community of NSW.

The goals and actions set out in our strategic plan will move us closer to achieving our vision, in partnership with industry, consumers, religious and cultural groups.

For more information, read the Cemeteries & Crematoria NSW Strategic Plan – version 2.0 February 2022 (PDF, 4.6MB).

Statement of regulatory intent

The Minister for Lands and Property, who is responsible for cemeteries and crematoria, provides CCNSW with a ministerial statement of expectations. You can read about the Minister's priorities and expectations at the Strategic Statement on Cemeteries and Crematoria in NSW.

CCNSW provides a statement of regulatory intent which sets out how we will exercise our functions and powers to deliver on the vision and actions laid out by the Minister. Read the Statement of Regulatory Intent (PDF, 105 KB).