Strategic statement – Delivering strong consumer outcomes for Cemeteries and Crematoria in NSW
The NSW Government has released Delivering strong consumer outcomes for Cemeteries and Crematoria in NSW (the strategic statement). The new strategic statement will guide the transformation of the state’s cemeteries and crematoria sector with the goal of ensuring that all people in NSW have access to sustainable and affordable burial and cremation services.
This statement has been developed to inform industry and the community about key sector trends and issues, and how the Government will focus its resources to strengthen the sector and maximise consumer protections.
The statement outlines 3 priority action areas. They are:
- delivering strong consumer protection for customers and communities
- supporting sustainable practices to promote new supply
- providing certainty for our Crown operators.
The NSW Government regulator, Cemeteries & Crematoria NSW, will report annually on progress against the actions in the strategic statement on this website.
The actions will also be reviewed periodically. Stakeholders will have an opportunity to give feedback to ensure the Government realises its visions and aims for the State's cemeteries and crematoria sector.
Cemeteries & Crematoria NSW's activities will be funded by an expansion of the interment services levy. For more information and resources, go to the Interment Services Levy.