Cemeteries & Crematoria NSW (CCNSW) is the NSW government agency that regulates cemeteries and crematoria operators.
As well as regulating operators we provide information to help people make informed decisions around burial and cremation.
Our vision is that all people in NSW have access to sustainable and affordable burial and cremation services that are respectful of culture and faith and provided in a consistent, transparent and accountable manner.
- provide information on what you should expect from an operator
- handle enquiries and complaints if things have gone wrong with an operator and the issues are unresolved
- provide advice on how to plan for a burial or cremation
- maintain a register of cemeteries and crematoria in NSW
- promote the environmental sustainability of the interment industry.
It is important to us that all people are respected. We are progressively developing guides for many of the faiths and cultures within NSW so that operators and the recently bereaved know what to expect and operators are able to meet community expectations.
From 1 July 2024 all cemetery and crematorium operators in NSW will pay an interment service levy to fund our work, setting and enforcing standards to protect consumers. Read our pamphlet (PDF, 307 KB) to find out more.