The Compliance Plan for 2025-2027 (the first for CCNSW) builds on the Regulatory Framework and outlines how we will work with operators to increase industry compliance over the next two years.
The plan outlines:
- Our approach to education, monitoring and enforcement
- Our compliance priorities for 2025-2027.
The compliance priorities highlighted are:
- Recording of interment rights
- Activity reporting
- Cemetery maintenance
- Consumer contracts
- Complaints registers
- Pricing transparency.
While these regulatory requirements will be our key areas of focus, we will continue to look at all areas of cemetery and crematorium operations in the course of our work. This will build our knowledge of broader compliance issues, inform development of our next set of regulatory priorities, and allow us to take appropriate regulatory action where needed.
By publishing our approach and priorities in this Plan we aim to provide transparency and certainty for both community and industry. For each of the priorities, we will design and apply appropriate compliance activities over the two year timeframe of the Plan.
For more information, view the Compliance Plan (PDF, 2.1 MB).